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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is bank.

Conservative MP for Simcoe North (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 43% of the vote.

bankcramoney laundering

Three months ago

Voted No on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Voted No on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke at the Information & Ethics committee on Privacy Breaches at the Canada Revenue Agency and Wind Up of TikTok … I won't ask you to answer this, because it would potentially be unfair, but I'll say this. It is your business to keep people's information private …

Spoke at the Finance committee on Tax Debt Write-Offs, the Carousel Tax Fraud Scheme and Other Issues Involving … I understand. My concern is that, in 2019, your predecessor at the CRA made that figure available to the public. Just last year, you also released …

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

Spoke at the Finance committee on Current state of play on green finance, green investment, transition finance and … Thank you Mr. Chair. I'll start my intervention with a question for the clerk. Maybe by the time I'm done, he'll have the answer. I'm wondering …

Spoke in the House on Committees of the House Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I am just curious. Is it parliamentary language to claim that someone is a “traitor?” I am …

Spoke at the Industry committee on Credit Card Practices and Regulations in Canada and Subject Matter of Supplementary … We're delayed in delivering real-time rail, which will provide significant benefits to the economy by lowering the transaction profit pool of the economic owners of Interac. …

Spoke in the House on Finance Mr. Speaker, what is the point of making promises that the Liberals do not intend or try to even keep? In 2020, the finance minister said …

Spoke at the Information & Ethics committee on Privacy Breaches at the Canada Revenue Agency Thank you, Chair. Commissioner, I just wanted to follow up on what I thought was a reasonable recommendation by my colleague Mr. Housefather with respect to …

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, the finance minister's report card is in. Canadians have the highest consumer debt in the G7, per capita GDP has fallen for six consecutive …

More than three months ago

Spoke in the House on Government Business No. 43—Proceedings on Bill C-78 Madam Speaker, it is really wonderful to see you again. I thought the last time I would see you before the holidays was my last speech …

Spoke at the Information & Ethics committee on Privacy Breaches at the Canada Revenue Agency That's fair enough. Do you believe that the CRA has been asked to do too much by the government? It's well outside of their core competency …

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister's economic report card is in: Canadians have the highest consumer debt in the G7. House prices have doubled. Per capita income …

Spoke at the Industry committee on Credit Card Practices and Regulations in Canada Okay. I'll just say that I would be interested in the bureau's position on whether, in order to prevent future conflicts of interest, one measure that …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Madam Speaker, it is such a pleasure to be here yet again to speak about the government's unwillingness to turn over documents. It is a bit …

Spoke at the Information & Ethics committee on Privacy Breaches at the Canada Revenue Agency A former boss of mine said that you can always delegate responsibility but not accountability. It seems to me that there's a bit of murkiness around …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to transcriptions or transcripts procured by the government since January 1, 2023, and broken down by department or agency: (a) what is the (i) …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to the CRA's assessment and collection data on vessel registrations, broken down by year since January 1, 2016: how many pleasure crafts, broken down …

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-289 An Act to amend the Criminal Code (identity verification)