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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is yukon.

Liberal MP for Yukon (Yukon)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 33% of the vote.

Three months ago

Spoke at the Health committee on Subject Matter of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b and 5b under … Thank you. You and I were together in the Yukon. You came to visit the Yukon a few months ago and we travelled to Dawson City …

Voted Yes on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Voted Yes on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke at the Health committee on Women's Health and Subject Matter of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b … Okay, very good. Thank you so much, and I apologize to the committee for my technical problems. I do want to note that I want to …

Voted Yes on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

Spoke in the House on Yukon University Mr. Speaker, Yukon University has officially become the 97th member of Universities Canada. Over the past 60 years, this progressive institution has grown from a vocational …

Spoke at the Indigenous and Northern Affairs committee on Barriers to Indigenous Economic Development Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Chief Haymond, thank you so much for appearing. I take note of your comments on being asked to come on …

More than three months ago

Spoke in the House on Yukon Madam Speaker, this week, we celebrate the Yukon days on the Hill, an incredible event that brings a vibrant spirit of the north right here to …

Spoke at the Indigenous and Northern Affairs committee on Barriers to Indigenous Economic Development Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Mr. Boissonnault, for making the tremendous effort to appear before the committee today. I know this is not …

Spoke at the Health committee on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada Thank you to all the witnesses. Dr. Knight, I'll start with you. You mentioned that you trained in B.C. Now you work in Manitoba. You pointed …

Spoke at the Health committee on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada I want to thank all the witnesses today for some really important testimony. Dr. Vogel, I would like to start with you. I would guess that …

Spoke at the Health committee on Bill C-368 I first want to thank all of the witnesses for attending and for their testimony. Ms. Callard, I'd like to start with you on your recommendation. …

Spoke at the Health committee on Bill C-368 Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm attempting to understand the Conservative mindset, and that's an exercise rather like plunging into a labyrinth of illogical thinking and dead …

Spoke in the House on Ukrainian Canadian Association of Yukon Mr. Speaker, courage, solidarity, giving and hope are the values that members of the Ukrainian Canadian Association of Yukon, UCAY, are showing as they embark on …

Spoke in the House on World Polio Day Mr. Speaker, World Polio Day reminds us that polio is still a threat for too many people in this world, but thanks to champions like Rotary …

Spoke in the House on Committees of the House Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the 17th report of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, entitled “Challenges to …

Spoke in the House on Pharmacare Mr. Speaker, our government will always protect universal, publicly funded health care, as well as sexual and reproductive rights. These two principles underlie the Pharmacare Act, …

Spoke in the House on Pharmacare Mr. Speaker, yesterday was a momentous day for Canadian health care. Bill C-64, the Pharmacare Act, received royal assent. This landmark legislation will establish a framework …

Spoke in the House on Indigenous Affairs Mr. Speaker, as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation approaches, Yukoners in my riding and Canadians everywhere will be reflecting on the painful history of …

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-401 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (northern residents deduction)

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-349 An Act to establish National Rabies Awareness Day and to provide for the development of a national strategy for combating rabies in Canada