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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was fact.

Last in Parliament March 2011, as Liberal MP for Richmond Hill (Ontario)

Lost his last election, in 2011, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

ALS Awareness Month May 31st, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to acknowledge June as ALS Awareness Month in Canada.

The ALS Society of Canada, founded in 1977, is the only national voluntary health organization dedicated solely to the fight against ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The ALS Society is a leading not for profit health organization working nationwide to fund ALS research.

I would like to recognize a constituent of mine, Benjamin Lindberg, who passed away on April 29 of this year. He was diagnosed with ALS in 1991, and courageously battled the disease for more than 15 years. Our hearts go out to his family and friends. Imagine not being able to walk, write, smile, talk and sometimes breathe on one's own, yet the mind usually remains intact and senses are unaffected. This is what it is like for the 3,000 Canadians who have ALS.

According to the World Health Organization, neurodegenerative diseases are predicted to surpass cancer as the second leading cause of death in Canada by 2040. I hope a cure will become a reality soon.

Foreign Affairs May 18th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, the minister had indicated that they will receive attention. I, as well as the member for Pickering—Scarborough East, have written the minister about these two brothers.

The government's track record, of course, is of concern to this side of the House and I am sure to all Canadians with regard to situations in China, Mexico and the United States.

Therefore, I would ask the minister to assure the House that appropriate legal representation is being provided and, in particular, that our officials in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia visit the brothers and monitor this case on a daily basis.

Foreign Affairs May 18th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, two Canadian brothers, Mohamed Kohail who is 22, and his 16-year-old brother, Sultan, are being held in a Saudi Arabian jail facing execution.

Could the Minister of Foreign Affairs tell this House if any Canadian officials have visited these two brothers, what condition are they in and what is being done to ensure that these Canadian citizens receive due process?

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, the question arises, how are numbers in any way national security? We are not asking where. We are asking for numbers.

In fact, minister, at the foreign affairs committee a motion to this effect was put forward asking the department to provide us simply with the numbers.

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, I am asking for numbers. I am not asking for places, not asking for names, just numbers. Is it one? Is it five? Is it 10? Or does the minister not know?

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

About the government in terms of its application. There is a major difference and I would have thought that the minister would have known that and would respond accordingly.

Mr. Minister, can you tell us how many people have in fact been detained by Canadian Forces within the last month?

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, a question for the minister, I have not and our side has never cast aspersions about the actions of our soldiers in the field.

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, has the minister requested from JAG or the justice department a full legal analysis of the possible exposure of our Canadian Forces to any kind of action under international law as a result of allegations of torture taking place in Afghan facilities?

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, minister, have you ever requested from JAG or the justice department a full--

Business of Supply May 17th, 2007

Mr. Chair, does the minister believe that detainees and those who have been proven to be Taliban are entitled to the Geneva convention given the fact that other allies do?