Mr. Speaker, in 1913, E. Ward Jones and deputy minister of agriculture, George Black, started the first 4-H Boys and Girls Club in Canada. The club started in Roland, Manitoba, which is located in my riding of Portage—Lisgar.
Roland was the first 4-H head, heart, hands, health club in Canada. Today there are 160 clubs in Manitoba, more than 2,200 members and 23,000 youth involved in 4-H in Canada .
For 100 years, 4-H programming in rural communities has been helping youth to build confidence and learn skills in agriculture, homemaking, public speaking and leadership. Today when members look at their community, they will find many rural leaders who had their start in the 4-H program.
The 4-H leaders volunteer their time to the organization because they believe in its value and want to continue its traditions.
As we all join together to congratulate 4-H Canada in its 100th year anniversary, let us all try to remember its motto and “learn to do by doing”.