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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was liberals.

Last in Parliament February 2023, as Conservative MP for Portage—Lisgar (Manitoba)

Won her last election, in 2021, with 53% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Fisheries and Oceans October 31st, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I stand today to inform the hon. member about our government's approach to protecting marine biodiversity in Canada's oceans, as well as in international waters.

Canada remains committed to the sustainable development of the oceans, both domestically and internationally. We continue to make progress in the responsible management and protection of our oceans. The government ensures that our national waters are protected and preserved through our strong regulatory regime that governs responsible resource use and development, and ensures high standards of environmental protection. We will continue to collect the scientific information necessary and provide advice to support informed decision-making regarding the issues of greatest concern to Canada's oceans.

Integrated ocean management plans have been completed for two ocean areas and three more are nearing completion. These plans provide a basis for decision-making, recognizing the importance of natural ecosystems while balancing the needs of resource users. There are currently eight Fisheries and Oceans marine protected areas and seven additional areas that are under active consideration as potential marine protected areas. In fact, among federal, provincial and territorial governments, 810 marine conservation and marine protected areas have been established to date.

Our government will continue to work together with the provinces, territories, aboriginal peoples, industry and all of our stakeholders in developing Canada's network of marine protected areas. We have made significant progress in implementing a strategic approach to oceans management in collaboration with other levels of government and stakeholders. We have worked together with our partners to deliver results, increase surveillance of marine pollution through acquisition of specialized equipment and the provision of emergency and safety services to local operators.

Internationally, we are taking our domestic experience and approaches and working collaboratively in global processes to protect the biodiversity of the world's oceans. Canada is an active member of the North American Marine Protected Areas Network, a Canada–U.S.–Mexico project to advance the development of an effective system of North American Marine Protected Areas Networks, to enhance and strengthen the protection of marine biodiversity.

Last year, with the support of the United Nations General Assembly, we endorsed an expert process to assess the best tools and mechanisms to ensure the long-term sustainability of the world's oceans. Canada participates in a United Nations working group established to deal with these issues and looks forward to contributing to analysis of the best options. Developing networks of marine protected areas, as we are doing with our North American partners, is one example of an effective tool.

We believe it is important that existing agreements and mechanisms be implemented and a thorough analysis of options be conducted before a new international treaty is negotiated. We prefer to take a pragmatic and practical approach that can lead to action sooner rather than later. Canada does not want to abandon the agreed upon United Nations process that will build global understanding of this complex issue.

Public Safety October 29th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, our government stands ready to assist the provinces with the effects of Hurricane Sandy if that assistance is required. The Canadian Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard are standing ready to assist. Health Canada has reviewed the national emergency stockpile and the Government Operations Centre is working around the clock to ensure that all necessary assets are in place.

We encourage all Canadians to ensure that they, too, are ready to deal with the hurricane. We encourage them to visit the website to ensure that their families have emergency plans in place.

Public Safety October 29th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I disagree with the premise of that question. Most emergencies in Canada are local in nature and are managed by municipalities or at the provincial or territorial level.

With regard to the hurricane that could be affecting Canadians, we stand prepared, ready to help the provinces and assist them should that help be required. The Canadian Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard are standing ready to assist. Health Canada has reviewed the national emergency stockpile and the Government Operations Centre is working around the clock to ensure that all necessary assets are in place.

Public Safety October 29th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, our government stands ready to assist the provinces with the effects of Hurricane Sandy if assistance is required. We have taken precautionary steps to ensure that the federal government can aid the provinces affected should the need arise. The Canadian Forces and the Canadian Coast Guard are standing ready to assist.

We encourage all Canadians to be prepared. We encourage them to go to to be prepared for this.

Correctional Service Canada October 26th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, the problems identified by the correctional investigator continue to show the need for mental health care issues to be addressed by the provinces. Mental health issues need to be addressed before individuals come into contact with the correctional system.

Once again, our government has shown strong leadership. CSC has shown strong leadership. In fact, it has been recognized internationally for the work it does on mental health.

We will continue to work with the provinces to ensure that mental health issues are addressed before individuals come into contact with the correctional system.

Correctional Service Canada October 26th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, our government is continuing to take concrete steps on the issue of mental health in prisons. Both access to treatment services for inmates and training for staff have improved under the result of our strong leadership.

It was our government that provided additional resources, such as requiring a mental health assessment for all inmates within the first 90 days of their sentence. That includes a correctional plan and mental health treatment.

Public Safety October 26th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, the member opposite is clearly confused. At all times experts from the Canadian Cyber Incident Response Centre are available to deal with emergency situations. In fact, the Auditor General said, “[T]he government has made progress in securing its systems against cyber threats, in improving communications, and in building partnerships with owners and operators of critical infrastructure.”

We just ask that the opposition get behind our endeavours to crack down on criminals, including those who are trying to hack and interfere with our cyber security.

Public Safety October 26th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, the Auditor General has acknowledged the positive steps that our government has taken to defend against electronic threats, hacking and cyber espionage through our cyber security strategy. We are taking action on the Auditor General's recommendations and we will continue to enhance cyber security in Canada. In fact, just last week our government announced significant additional funding to strengthen Canada's cyber security system.

Office of the Correctional Investigator October 23rd, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to table in both official languages the 2011-2012 Annual Report of the Office of the Correctional Investigator, as required under section 192 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada October 15th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, it has been months and the Leader of the Opposition has not explained to Canadians what he meant when he said, of course, “The cap-and-trade system that I propose...will produce billions...”. He also has not explained how he estimated that $21 billion in revenue would result from putting a price on carbon.

Why is the leader of the NDP hiding from his sneaky scheme to put a tax on carbon? Why is he not being clear with Canadians? Canadians deserve to know if the NDP wants to raise the price of everything, including groceries, electricity and gas. This job-killing carbon tax would be bad for Canadians, bad for the economy, bad for the country.

Our government will continue with our low-tax plan to create jobs, economic growth and prosperity for all Canadians. Canadians can count on us.