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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was terms.

Last in Parliament January 2024, as Liberal MP for Toronto—St. Paul's (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2021, with 49% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Tuberculosis March 25th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mark World TB day.

Dr. Brundtland, director general of the World Health Organization, said yesterday:

Tuberculosis, which many of us believed would disappear in our lifetimes, has staged a frightening comeback.

Today TB kills more adults than AIDS, malaria and all other tropical diseases combined.

It is the first disease to be classified as a global emergency by the WHO. This is not just a developing world problem. In Canada our aboriginal population suffers at a rate seven times greater than the rest of the population. We need to treat this disease seriously.

I thank Dr. David Brandling-Bennett, deputy director of the Pan American Health Organization; Dr. Howard Njoo, director of tuberculosis prevention and control at Health Canada's LCDC; Dr. Neil Haywood, director of immigration health policy for Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Duane Etienne, health promotion officer for the Assembly of First Nations; and Deirdre Freiheit, chief operating officer and manager of government and corporate affairs for the Canadian Lung Association for their enlightening presentations—

Norman Jewison March 22nd, 1999

Mr. Speaker, last night on the occasion of the 71st Academy Awards in Los Angeles, California, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented Mr. Norman Jewison with the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award.

Celebrated before the eyes of the world a Canadian was recognized for his lifelong commitment to film making.

Mr. Jewison made his debut in London, as a comedian and a screen writer for the BBC. In the fifties, he came back here to work with the CBC and then pursue an impressive career as a producer and director. Mr. Jewison is also the founder of the prestigious Canadian Film Centre, in Toronto.

With a total of 12 Oscars and 46 nominations for films such as The Russians are Coming , Fiddler on the Roof , A Soldier's Story , In the Heat of the Night and Moonstruck , he has taught us how important it is to choose stories worth telling and then tell them brilliantly.

I ask the House to join me in congratulating Mr. Jewison for his achievement of excellence and making Canada so proud.

Persons With Disabilities March 15th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Human Resources Development. The persons with disabilities community is extraordinarily upset that the most important and crucial source of data for public policy on persons with disabilities has not been completed since 1991. Can the minister assure this House that the health activities limitations survey, HALS, will be completed in 2001?

Hiv-Aids March 2nd, 1999

Mr. Speaker, last week I was honoured to attend the review of the draft handbook for legislators on HIV and AIDS, law and human rights in Geneva on behalf of the IPU Canadian group.

The conference was attended by legislators from France, Switzerland, Kenya, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Guatemala, India, Russia and England, who were all dedicated to develop a handbook for parliamentarians with respect to AIDS legislation in a human rights context.

The handbook will share best practices and will be a resource for countries developing legislation so they will know and can use what works in other countries and emphasize the need for ongoing evaluation.

I would like to thank the hon. member for Mount Royal, Barbara Reynolds and Serge Pelletier from the IPU for making this experience possible.

I would like to thank Nina Arron of Health Canada, Elissa Lieff and Patricia Lindsay of the Department of Justice and Carol Vlassoff of CIDA for taking the time to share their insights and expertise with me prior to the meeting. They are inspirational and passionate examples of the best of our public service.

The meeting reinforced how proud I am to be a Canadian. Our AIDS strategy and our approach to human rights are respected throughout the world.

Supply February 11th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, as of July 1, by merely increasing the personal tax exemption, we took 400,000 Canadians off the tax rolls. I think it is extraordinarily important that we look at the future in terms of the 3% surtax, which came off last year, and understand that those are the simple things that the federal government can do in just taxation.

The sentinel event I think last week where the provinces agreed to the way they will co-operate to make sure that the vision and values of this country come to be I think is something we should not underestimate.

Supply February 11th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, in this complicated federation it is extremely important that when the provinces have requested certain programs it is a collaborative effort. Now when we realize what happens with social housing, what is happening in terms of affordable housing and when we realize that there is going to be no way of ensuring food security when some people are paying more than 50% of their income on rent, we have to look at how we establish national standards. So it is not a matter of who delivers the program. It is a matter that all Canadians feel there is a security that those programs will be delivered.

Supply February 11th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, I am delighted with this question in that it is the reason when we are held accountable to international standards that we need the kinds of national standards that have come part and parcel of our new social union negotiation. It is only when we have strong national standards that we will be able to ensure that the provinces are not able to let down Canadians in the way I think Ontarians feel has happened in the government of Michael Harris.

I am delighted that the hon. member understands that when we sit on the international stage with the Canadian flag before us that we as a federal government need a way to ensure that all Canadians are able to achieve their visions and values of this country.

Supply February 11th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, poverty, in a country as rich as Canada, is very disturbing for this government and for all Canadians. Unquestionably, we should not tolerate even one Canadian living in poverty.

As members of the House well know, poverty is and continues to be a major preoccupation of our government. We are particularly aware of the importance of addressing child poverty, recognizing that giving children in Canada a good start in life is one of the most important investments Canada can make for its future.

I assure the hon. member for Shefford that we are working aggressively to achieve this goal. I remind the House that as of last July we began to invest $850 million per year into the national child benefit. These new funds are over and above the $5.1 billion we already invest in families with children. By July of the year 2000 that additional investment will reach $1.7 billion per year into the national child benefit. That more than compensates for inflation.

We will clearly need to sustain and enhance the benefit over a number of years, something we have committed to do. We do not pretend that this first phase of the program will solve child poverty. Nor do we suggest that a single program can be expected to reduce poverty on its own.

As part of our comprehensive plan to fight poverty we have provided a range of supports to low income families such as the family income supplement for roughly 200,000 low income parents on unemployment insurance and increased deductions for child care. We have also strengthened the community action program for children as well as the Canadian prenatal nutrition program for children at risk.

No one on this side of the Chamber would disagree that there is still much more to be done. However, my hon. colleague must not overlook the government's track record in endowing the country's children with a legacy of greater opportunity.

Neither can the opposition ignore the fact that money is not the entire answer. The fact is the share of government transfer payments to Canadians such as child tax benefits, goods and services tax credits and old age pensions has doubled over the past quarter century. In 1995 these transfers contributed 14 cents of every dollar of income compared with 11 cents in 1990 and less than 7 cents in 1970.

While my hon. colleague's motion is undeniably well intended, it is highly doubtful that simply raising the tax threshold would make a meaningful difference in the war against poverty. Poverty is a deeply entrenched and complex challenge that defies easy solutions. It will take not only money but time and a lot of hard work on the part of all Canadians to turn this situation around. There is no magic formula, but we can work to provide more opportunities by creating the right conditions to fight poverty through a strong labour market.

The reality is that reducing poverty ultimately depends on putting underemployed and unemployed Canadians to work. That has more to do with the individual's age, skills, experience and personal motivation than it does with tax brackets.

Very obviously addressing these difficult issues extends beyond the purview of the finance department or any one level of government. Alleviating poverty requires the concerted efforts of federal and provincial governments along with the co-operation and support of the private and voluntary sectors as well as individual Canadians themselves.

I am pleased to see that the opposition motion acknowledges the need to foster self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Canadians have always striven to maintain a successful balance between taking responsibility for themselves and sharing responsibility for others.

We believe strongly in compassion and fairness as we value individual independence and achievement. This philosophy is reflected in many of the initiatives our government has brought forward aimed at addressing the root causes of poverty and empowering people to help themselves. We have focused much of our efforts on equipping Canadians with the skills and knowledge that they need to succeed in a changing working world because Canada's economic prospects and the eventual elimination of poverty increasingly depend on a highly trained and highly educated workforce.

Anyone doubting this fundamental fact of life in the new economy need only look at the employment numbers. Since 1981 jobs for Canadians with a high school education or less dropped by two million while jobs demanding higher qualifications grew by more than five million.

Clearly Canadians with more education have better job prospects, greater job security and higher earnings. Just as clearly this is key to narrowing the gap between the haves and the have nots. That is why the government introduced the youth employment strategy which helps young people make the transition from school to work, especially those youth at risk.

There are active employment measures under employment insurance which provide opportunities for skills upgrading, wage subsidies and job creation partnerships, financial assistance to those who want to go back to school and self-employment assistance.

Canada jobs funds create sustainable jobs in areas of high unemployment.

The employment assistance for persons with disabilities initiative, a federal-provincial partnership introduced last year, is helping increase the participation of Canadians with disabilities in the workforce.

The aboriginal action plan is to ensure the integration and the equality of aboriginal people in the economy and all sectors of society.

The Canadian opportunities strategy helps Canadians upgrade their skills and knowledge whether they are still in school or already in the workforce to improve their prospects for employment.

The overriding objective of all these initiatives is to help ensure that Canadians, especially those at greatest risk of exclusion, have better and more opportunity to participate in the demanding new economy and to share in its benefits. The evidence to date indicates that this strategy is working. Unemployment is now at the lowest rate since 1990. Since we took office 1.6 million new jobs have been created, 449,000 last year alone. Of those 449,000 new jobs, 143,000 went to young Canadians and some 299,000 women found work in 1998, the majority in full time jobs.

Tinkering with tax brackets as the opposition proposes will not result in numbers like these. Ensuring more Canadians receive the supports they need to help themselves to better jobs and better futures will.

I believe the hon. member for Shefford is truly committed to bridging the divide between rich and poor. I encourage her to work with the government to help us as we prepare young children to get off to a good start in life and as we prepare Canadians for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century economy. I am convinced that together we stand a much better chance of helping all Canadians shake off the shackles of poverty.

Financial Institutions February 11th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, today the government introduced legislation that will allow foreign banks to open commercially focused branches in Canada.

Can the Secretary of State for International Financial Institutions please tell the House what this means for the financial services sector in Canada, and particularly what it means for consumers?

Supply February 9th, 1999

Madam Speaker, this past summer being in Nunavut and recognizing the importance those people place on water and how important it is to their everyday lives and in terms of the international perspective they feel in terms of Canada's responsibility to make sure the world, the north and all the polar nations look after their water, I heartily agree with the hon. member.

I believe that consultation with the first nations is an extremely important part of this government's next step in terms of the consultation process and that they will be involved.

I think the hon. member is right. We must on a daily basis remind all Canadians that we cannot count on anything. We can ruin this resource and that we have to always be prudent caretakers of our most precious resource and that calling it renewable, if we are not taking care, is indeed incorrect and foolhardy.