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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is going.

NDP MP for Timmins—James Bay (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Presence in Gallery December 7th, 2023

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. When a representative of the Inuit people tries to speak in the House, she is shouted down by a bunch of white guys on the Conservative backbench, and it is supported by the behaviour in the House. That is unacceptable.

Indigenous Affairs December 7th, 2023

Mr. Speaker, the people of Attawapiskat continue to suffer a brutal housing crisis. Now there are serious questions about their water supply, and with winter hitting hard, a crisis is looming.

We remember the winter of 2011 when Attawapiskat asked the Conservatives for help. The Conservatives falsely blamed them for ripping off taxpayers and then expelled a democratically elected council. However, under the Liberals, there has just been vague promises and no action.

As this winter hits, will the government send a team to assess the situation on the ground and help find a solution for the people of Attawapiskat?

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, I would certainly like to go along with the debate, but being called a “fake feminist”, a “misogynist” and being told to “step outside” is unparliamentary.

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, you said that I was challenging the Chair. What I said is that when someone tells me to step outside, I have a right to be in here.

If you choose, Madam Speaker, that I am not allowed to speak for defending my right to speak in here, then you can make that decision, I am not challenging it, but the issue you are putting before the House is my inability to speak in the House because of intimidation from Conservatives. I will always defend my right to speak in the House.

You can have me removed any time, Madam Speaker. I am not challenging your authority to have me removed, but it is my right to speak against intimidation.

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Is calling me a fake feminist okay, Madam Speaker? You can have me removed.

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, someone asked me to step out and I am being intimidated. I will not be intimidated. You can have me removed if you want, but I will speak for my right to be heard. Every time I speak, I am shut down by Conservatives.

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, I will ask you one thing. When this harassment continues tonight, will you at least stand for me? I do not mind withdrawing a comment, but every time I speak—

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, my interpretation, when someone says “step outside” is to step outside to fight. That is my—

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, I think I made it very clear. I was told to step outside. I will not step outside.

If you want me to step outside, then you can—

Government Business No. 31—Proceedings on Bill C-50 December 4th, 2023

Madam Speaker, I have a right to speak in this House. If you do not believe I have a right to speak, then you should make a ruling. He told me to step outside over something—