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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was workers.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as NDP MP for Hamilton Mountain (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2011, with 47% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Child Care November 19th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, last night Canada's largest province endorsed the NDP's affordable child care plan.

We congratulate Andrea Horwath and the Ontario NDP for getting the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to endorse our plan to create affordable and accessible child care spaces at a cost of no more than $15 a day.

Sadly, in the nine years since the Prime Minister first promised to create 125,000 child care spaces, the Conservatives not only broke that promise, but under their watch parents have also seen child care costs skyrocket. Meanwhile, the federal Liberals spent 13 years in government making and breaking promises on child care.

The leader of the NDP is ready to work with the provinces to make affordable, accessible child care a reality, because only the NDP believes it is time to give parents a break.

Affordable child care is just one election away.

Ethics November 17th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, on May 2, 2013, Brian Mulroney was the headliner at a fundraiser to pay Dean Del Mastro's legal fees. With a set-up like that, Conservatives should have known that something bad was going on.

The Minister of Employment and Social Development was there. The cost was a mere $600 a plate, and the event was conveniently located just a few blocks from Bay Street.

We now learn that this entire fundraiser was conducted by Del Mastro's riding association, meaning that rather than have to pay out the full price, the guest list of senators, developers, executives, and Conservative caucus members actually got a taxpayer refund for their contributions to the “Free Dean” campaign. The Conservatives should now have to explain why almost $24,000 of the $39,000 raised will be reimbursed by taxpayers.

When it comes to sticking it to the little guy, there is no one better than those Bay Street Conservatives and their old friend, Brian Mulroney.

Child Care November 7th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, perhaps the Conservatives' income-splitting scheme will go over better in a room full of bankers than it does with regular Canadians, or economists, or former finance ministers, or pretty much anyone else who has looked at the details. They are all opposed.

By contrast, New Democrats have put forward a plan for quality universal child care at $15 a day or less. Why will the minister not adopt our plan to create one million spaces and reverse the trend of climbing costs that put the squeeze on so many families?

Child Care November 7th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, I am sure the Minister of Finance is looking forward to heading back to hang out with his Bay Street buddies next week, but Canadian families are wondering when they will get their update on what happened to the Conservatives' promise to create 125,000 new child care spaces. Last I checked, the counter is still at zero and the costs of child care continue to climb.

How many new child care spaces will be announced in the fall economic update?

Natural Resources November 4th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, this week, a respected energy executive with 40 years of experience in the sector, including as a deputy minister, former CEO of BC Hydro and former chair of Manitoba Hydro, dropped out of the National Energy Board review of the Kinder Morgan pipeline, calling the process fraudulent and a public deception.

He is not the first to raise concerns about the weakened NEB review of Kinder Morgan. Why have the Conservatives created a project review process that shuts out community voices?

Rail Transportation October 30th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, I do not think Canadians are reassured by the minister's words, and they should not be.

In fact, the Public Accounts released yesterday show that in spite of all her talk of rail safety, the Conservatives actually cut funding for rail safety in each of the last two years. Last year, they failed to spend nearly $4 million of the budget that was left.

Why do the Conservatives say one thing and do the other when it comes to ensuring rail safety?

The Budget October 24th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, let us talk about that jobs credit. The Conservatives are using their omnibus budget bill to push through changes to EI, a jobs plan that will not create jobs. The Conservatives' proposal has been panned by experts, economists, and the Parliamentary Budget Officer, who found it would create just 800 jobs while actually discouraging small businesses from growing.

Given all of these concerns, would it not be prudent to separate this proposal from the mammoth budget bill so that it gets the scrutiny it deserves?

The Budget October 24th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Conservatives tabled yet another mammoth budget bill. It is 458 pages, with more than 400 clauses, dozens of laws repealed, rewritten, or amended, and all in a single omnibus bill.

Canadians expect us to study, debate, and deliberate on their behalf, and to make thoughtful choices. Will the government agree not to shut down debate with closure or time allocation on this large piece of legislation?

Health October 3rd, 2014

Mr. Speaker, yesterday the President of Liberia urged Canada to do more as the Ebola outbreak continues to devastate her country. She said there is an urgent need for highly skilled health workers, testing centres and training. The WHO cites that the situation in Liberia in particular continues to deteriorate. Liberia needs strong international support to bring the outbreak under control.

Will the Canadian government respond to the plea from the Liberian president?

Eid al-Adha October 3rd, 2014

Mr. Speaker, starting tomorrow, over one billion Muslims worldwide will begin to celebrate Eid al-Adha. This special holiday is a reminder to Muslims of Abraham's sacrifice of his son as an act of devotion to God. It is about giving of what is best of oneself, giving that which is most precious of oneself, to God. It is a celebration of generosity and charity.

Eid al-Adha also marks the end of the annual holy pilgrimage to Mecca. We welcome back all those who are returning from the Hajj and thank them for their deep commitment to the values of unity and peace.

These values of peace, charity, family and friendship are dear to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and they reinforce our common bonds of humanity. They speak to our shared belief in fundamental social justice.

As Muslims come together in the days ahead to pray, feast and give back to their communities, I want to wish them a joyful celebration among family and friends.

On behalf of the entire NDP caucus, I want to thank Canada's Muslim community for its contribution and commitment toward creating a stronger fabric of respect and understanding in our country. In the spirit of peace and friendship, Eid Mubarak.