Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to say that I know exactly what the parliamentary schedule is for the remainder of this week and for the next few as well. I am pleased that we will all be able to get back to our ridings to work on behalf of our constituents, to celebrate Christmas and the holidays with our family and friends and to reflect on the work we do here on behalf of all Canadians, particularly those who are having a hard time making ends meet this holiday season.
Today I would like to extend wishes for a merry Christmas and happy holidays and to offer a very big thanks to everyone in and around the House of Commons.
Of course, that includes my colleagues on all sides of the House and all of our staff, who make us look good most of the time.
Canadians watching at home might not realize it, but there is a huge network of talented and professional staff who work tirelessly to make this place run like clockwork.
First is you, Mr. Speaker, and your staff, along with the unbelievably helpful procedural experts in the clerks' offices, the table, the journals branch, the committee directorate staff, the Library of Parliament staff and, of course, all of the incredible pages.
There is the Sergeant-at-Arms and everyone from security, as well as traffic operations, the drivers of our green buses, dispatch operators, mail room staff and messengers.
There is the cafeteria staff and all the food services and catering team.
There is the maintenance staff, the tradespeople in the Parliamentary precinct, materiel management and room allocation.
There is everyone in information services, including telecom, ISSI, printing services and the broadcasting team.
There are the people who deal with HR, finance, travel and pay and benefits.
There are the folks who document all our words at Hansard and those who translate and interpret them from one official language to the other.
Finally, I would like to pay special tribute to three valuable members of the team in the Parliamentary Precinct who will not be returning with us in January when the House resumes sitting: Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel Rob Walsh, Parliamentary Librarian Bill Young and Danielle Lemieux-Lessard in the private members' business and petitions office.
I thank you, Mr. Speaker, and everyone who works so hard in this place. I wish a merry Christmas and happy holidays to all, including the government House leader.