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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was conservatives.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as NDP MP for Scarborough Southwest (Ontario)

Lost his last election, in 2015, with 24% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Pensions March 30th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, the one thing that is clear is that the Prime Minister's word is worthless on this issue, and it is seniors who will suffer. We are talking about taking $12,000 out of the pockets of seniors, mostly low income and mostly female.

Younger Canadians are now left wondering if they will be able to afford to retire or whether they will be left out in the cold when they turn 65.

Why are the Conservatives balancing the budget on the backs of seniors? Why are they choosing failed fighter jets instead of retirement security?

Pensions March 30th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, this is what the Prime Minister told this House on January 30, 2012:

We have been very clear that as we reduce the deficit, we will not be cutting transfers to either the provinces or individuals.

He went on to say, “The reality is that we are not cutting programs for seniors”.

That was just two months ago. Did the Conservatives write the budget on the back of a napkin or were they misleading Canadians?

New Democratic Party of Canada March 16th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I rise on this last sitting day of the House before change comes to Ottawa. Next Monday, we hope to add the talented voice of Craig Scott to our caucus to continue Jack's work in Toronto—Danforth.

That is not all. New Democrats will also gather together in Toronto to pay tribute to Jack Layton, who taught us all that we can make a difference and do so with honour and integrity.

Then we will elect our new leader who will come back to lead a caucus that is stronger and more united than ever. That is because of the humble strength of our current leader who was given the impossible task of leading us through this difficult time. She stepped up and I applaud her for the job she has done.

Thank you, Nycole, for all your work as our leader. I also want to thank you on behalf of our caucus, our party and all Canadians and Quebeckers who want the best for their families.

International Trade March 7th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, New Democrats support trade deals that create jobs in our communities, not ones that sell out Canadian families.

Cities like Toronto are raising flags over the backroom trade talks with Europe. Last night, an overwhelming majority of Toronto city council members said no to CETA and demanded an exemption from the deal. They said that the deal would handcuff their ability to create local jobs and local economic development.

Will the government respect cities like Toronto with their request to opt out?

Business of Supply March 5th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the member for his speech on the RCMP. My grandfather, George Harris, had the honour and pleasure of being part of the RCMP's musical ride when he served many years ago. Like many other family members, they received services from Veterans Affairs and were well taken care of by Canada. I am proud as a Canadian to say that we did that.

My question for the member is, if there are no cutbacks coming, then why the harm in supporting the motion?

Veterans Affairs March 5th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I would like to start by thanking my esteemed colleague from Sackville—Eastern Shore for his unparalleled support of veterans during his time in the House.

Today, the New Democratic Party is calling on the government to shield Veterans Affairs from budget cutbacks. Tomorrow, we are calling for all-party support to ensure that programs and services to all military and RCMP veterans are protected. It would be an affront to ask them to give more.

My family has had a long and proud record of service to Canada, starting with my great-grandfather, Harold Riley, who served in both world wars. Veterans services kept my grandmother in her home with dignity until she passed away in 2010. I will not accept that the same services would not be there for future veterans. I will proudly vote yes to this motion to honour their memories and service to Canada. I call on the government to do the same.

Science and Technology March 2nd, 2012

Mr. Speaker, last month when 6,000 scientists from around the world met in Vancouver, the minister for science could not be bothered to show up. Now the world's leading scientific journal, Nature, has condemned the government for muzzling its scientists.

We know that the Conservatives do not follow scientific advice, but it is indefensible to block others from hearing it. Will the minister issue a clear directive permitting scientists to speak to the public, or is he afraid that the evidence will not help his party's ideological agenda?

OECD Centres of Government Meeting February 27th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, it seems if others are spending money the Conservatives will just follow them like lemmings.

When it comes to tough economic times, the Prime Minister is losing all credibility. He preaches restraint and then goes out and blows nearly five times more on a fancy reception than his own government rules allow. It is the same old story from the Prime Minister. His friends always come first and according to the government, Canadians just have to buck up.

When will the out of touch Prime Minister realize that he works for Canadians and not just his insider friends?

OECD Centres of Government Meeting February 27th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, we learned yesterday that the Prime Minister personally approved a whopping $22,000 to wine and dine European bureaucrats. Posh receptions, free wine, nothing is too good for the Prime Minister's friends, yet at the same time he is telling Canadians to tighten their belts and he is telling seniors that their retirement just costs too much.

How can the Prime Minister justify blowing thousands on his friends while telling Canadians to tighten their belts?

Employment February 17th, 2012

Madam Speaker, the government has not created jobs in Toronto, and the numbers back that up.

People in my riding know and live it every single day. Higher prices and fewer good jobs mean more struggles for Toronto families, but the government is too busy being a cheerleader for Rob Ford to notice.

Why will the government not finally be a cheerleader for Toronto families? Why will it not introduce a jobs plan to get families back to work, create good jobs and secure the economic recovery?