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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was infrastructure.

Last in Parliament August 2017, as Conservative MP for Lac-Saint-Jean (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 33% of the vote.

Statements in the House

International Trade February 7th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, over half of Canada's manufacturing output is exported, and 75% of our exports go to the United States.

How should Canada respond given the new American administration's protectionist bent and apparent desire to keep jobs in the U.S.? It could adopt a plan with clear objectives to support our businesses. Such a plan has yet to be announced, however.

What is the plan, then?

Softwood Lumber February 6th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, according to an internal document by the new U.S. government transition team, Canada and the United States are far from reaching a deal on softwood lumber. We know that the United States needs to import wood. It is not self-sufficient. It needs 30% more wood to keep building its houses and keep its own carpenters, electricians, and plumbers employed. That should not hurt Canada.

Why is the government unable to get that message across? Because this government is unable to prove to the United States that it needs that wood.

The Economy February 6th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, as we know, the new U.S. President is going to cut red tape and taxes to help boost his country's economy.

The Liberals can talk about what they did last year, but we know that their efforts did not yield results because no full-time jobs were created. What will the Prime Minister's real plan for the future be? I am not talking about what has been done, but what they are going to do given the new government in the United States.

Employment February 2nd, 2017

Mr. Speaker, the evidence shows that the Liberals' policies were ill-advised from the start. The group that represents Canadian manufacturers had this to say: “Right now, Canada is not a competitive location for investment. Add this to the rapidly changing business environment in the US—a primary competitor for investment—with increased protectionism...and Canada's situation will only worsen”.

The Liberals can keep kidding themselves with their plans that do not work, but we are reporting facts.

What steps will the Prime Minister take to defend jobs here in Canada?

International Trade February 2nd, 2017

Mr. Speaker, this is not reassuring.

How can those members stand over there with a straight face and tell Canadians they believe in free trade? The minister's mandate letters make no mention of the softwood lumber agreement or trade with Asia-Pacific nations that were in the TPP. Canadian workers need the Liberal government to work in their best interests.

When can we expect a new softwood lumber agreement and new markets for our exporters?

International Trade February 2nd, 2017

Mr. Speaker, when he was elected, the Prime Minister said that his mandate letters were his ministers' bible.

After reading the mandate letters for the Minister of International Trade and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, it seems that international trade is not really important to the Prime Minister because there is no mention at all of the softwood lumber agreement, the TPP, or bilateral agreements with countries that were in the TPP.

Why has the Prime Minister not shown us that he believes it is important to open borders?

Softwood Lumber February 1st, 2017

Mr. Speaker, more topics have been discussed and there has been more heated debate with the provinces in the one year that this government has been in office than there were in 10 years under the previous government.

Today, ministers from Quebec are asking the government to get its ducks in a row and start doing its job on the softwood lumber issue.

Will the government be able to work with the provinces as promised? More importantly, will it be able to sign a softwood lumber deal for our 300,000 forestry workers?

Taxation February 1st, 2017

Mr. Speaker, we know that this reckless spending will not stop. When we oppose a budget, it is because we are looking at the big picture. The government is forcing deficits on future generations. It talked about a $10 billion deficit during the campaign, but it will be higher. We heard him answer in English, but we are going to ask him the question in French. It will be interesting.

We believe that, to cover these costs, the government will bring in a new tax on health and dental benefits. He just said something in English, but I would like to hear it again in French.

Will there be a new tax on health and dental benefits?

Finance January 31st, 2017

Mr. Speaker, just before the holidays, officials from the Department of Finance were forecasting a huge deficit until 2055. There is a solution. It is not that they forgot to count things, it is that the Conservatives will come back and balance the books before that date.

We are very concerned by what is happening. If people spend more money than they have, one day the banks will come along looking for the keys to their cars and houses. The Liberals seem to think that money grows on trees. How will we be able to deal with that? Reckless spending is not the solution. We have to keep creating jobs at home. It is not enough to raise taxes, as they are so used to doing. How are they going to handle it?

Finance January 31st, 2017

Mr. Speaker, our population is part of our democracy, and that is why changing something like that has to be done through a referendum for our democracy.

The economic challenges associated with our main partners, the Americans, are considerable. In the U.S., the President said that he wants to lower taxes and cut bureaucratic paperwork that he deems useless.

How will Canada respond? What is the plan? We need more than words. What plan will we use to help our businesses and to keep our jobs at home, in Canada?