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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Cariboo—Prince George (B.C.)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Taxation February 8th, 1999

Mr. Speaker, in case the finance minister does not remember, it is he who has taken $20 billion out of social programs in the last three years. The questions today are about his proposed budget. If he wants to know more about ours I suspect he might want to read it very carefully.

The fact is that he is to give Canadian workers a $143 tax break a year while his friend from the tax department sneaks in the back door and takes $171 out of their wallets. That is a net decrease of $28, for his information.

What does it take for the minister to realize Canadian taxpayers are at the end of their rope and do not need a decrease—

Finance February 1st, 1999

Madam Speaker, I listened this morning as the chairman of the finance committee delivered his prebudget speech. Once I had listened for awhile I had no doubt that it was written by the finance minister's office, much in the same way as the activities of the finance committee and the witnesses that were called were organized by the finance minister's office.

As I listened to his report I wondered what finance committee he was travelling with. I was also on that finance committee and on most of the things that he was saying this morning I was hearing quite the opposite. As we travelled across the country we heard a loud and fervent cry for tax relief from average working Canadians, small businesses, professionals and large businesses. Everyone out there wants tax relief. The government has been the instrument that has led them to seek tax relief because over the last five and a half years the government has increased taxes somewhere in the range of 36, 37 or 38 times in the billions of dollars.

While the Minister of Finance stands and crows about balancing the budget which is not true, and I will talk about that next, for any increase in revenue he has just pulled his magic tax lever and the money has just flowed out of the pockets of working Canadians. The average Canadian family has seen their household disposable income decrease by over $3,000 since 1993. What kind of treatment is that for hardworking Canadians who are trying to have a better standard of living for themselves?

I want to set the tone by laying out exactly where we stand as Canadians in the tax system with which the government has burdened us compared with some of our neighbours, in particular our G-7 partners.

The personal income tax burden on Canadians is a full 56% higher than the other members of the G-7 countries. The corporate income tax burden in Canada is 9% higher than the average of our G-7 partners. These are countries that we compete with. Canada also has the highest property tax burden in all the OECD countries. Of the 33 countries, Canada ranks highest in property taxes.

In 1996 the average Canadian family paid a total tax bill of $21,242, 46% of their gross income. This is more than they pay for food, shelter and clothing combined which is around $17,000. Picture it. The average Canadian family with a couple of kids, a house, a mortgage, a steady job sees $21,000 a year go out in taxes and about $17,000 go out in shelter, food and the basics of life. That is disgusting for a country with the potential that Canada has.

Over the last five and a half years there have been wage increases for Canadian workers. They have worked hard for them. Their companies have worked hard to improve their bottom line and they have rewarded their employees.

What happened to those wage increases because of the Liberal government's tax policies? The government has taxed back over 150% of any wage increases that the average Canadian worker got. Imagine. If workers got a $100 increase, the government taxed back $150. If they got $1,000 increase over the last five and a half years, the Liberal government taxed back $1,500. If they got a $10,000 increase over the last five and a half years, the government taxed back $15,000. How do we get ahead in this country when we have a government that wants to rip out of our pockets not only what we get in a wage increase but more. It is a sad situation.

It is clear that Canadians need tax relief. There is no doubt about it. As the committee travelled across the country we heard the call for real tax relief, not just tinkering around with the surtax like the Liberals have done in the past. Canadians want real tax relief, something they can hold in their hands.

I said earlier that we should not believe the finance minister when he talks about balancing the budget. The fact is that this finance minister may say he has a balanced budget but the money he has used to make up that budget is the EI surplus which he has taken out of the pockets of working Canadians. He has used the pension funds of the federal civil service. He has taken that and has put that against the deficit. All he has done is borrowed within the family and he says he has a balanced budget. He does not have a balanced budget. He is still about $16 billion or $17 billion short.

If the economy takes a downturn in the next couple of years, those EI funds are going to be needed. Where are they? They are in new spending programs the government has introduced, $3 billion last year and another $3 billion this year. What ever happened to the promise by the government and the finance minister to hold the line on spending? No new spending. It just ain't true.

Let us talk about the EI fund. There is about $20 billion in EI surplus. Before the Christmas break we talked about how the EI commission has said that a $15 billion surplus would be fine. It would provide not only sustainability for the fund but also a rainy day fund in case the economy took a dramatic downturn.

It was also said that any finance minister who really cared would probably want to return the $5 billion or $6 billion excess in the form of premium reductions to the people who were paying it. Has that happened? I do not think so.

The finance minister continues to rape and pillage the EI surplus fund, to build his surplus to fund his increased spending programs, to enhance his opportunity to become the leader of the Liberal Party. One has to wonder whether the finance minister has the best interests of Canadians at heart or his own best interests at heart.

Earlier my colleague from Macleod talked about the crisis in health care. We have a crisis. Over 180,000 people are on waiting lists.

This is a true story from my riding. A neighbour of mine had been experiencing some severe chest pains and shortage of breath for a number of months. He went to his doctor who tried to get him to a specialist in Vancouver. Of course there are no specialists in Prince George, we cannot afford it. He went to a specialist in Vancouver and had an angiogram. It was determined that he has one artery completely blocked so an angioplasty cannot be done.

The next option is a bypass. In the old days a single bypass was a routine procedure. These days there is no money for a single bypass. Two, three or four bypasses are needed before someone can get into the operating room. That man was sent home in pain, in the same situation he was in when he went to Vancouver. He was told “We cannot do anything for you. Get another artery clogged and maybe we can look at you”.

That is the state of health care in this country. It is because the Liberal government has ripped the heart out of health care. Since 1993 it has taken out over $7 billion. When is it going to put something substantial back and help Canadians who have serious health problems?

Points Of Order December 4th, 1998

Madam Speaker, I just want to clarify for the government House leader that the report was not circulated. However, it was in the public venue outside this House and outside the confidentiality that was required before the public release of the report.

We, as committee members, are given to understand that we are considered equals when it comes to dealing with the confidentiality of reports. Confidentiality applies to all of us. I have some grave concerns in light of the concerns that were expressed in this House in this past week regarding the leaking of reports.

Points Of Order December 4th, 1998

Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order to bring to your attention something that could be considered a serious breach of the integrity of the Standing Committee on Finance.

Madam Speaker, as you know the finance committee report was due to be released at 1.30 p.m. today in the public environment. Yet, not more than 15 minutes ago the chairman of the finance committee was in the public environment outside the House with a copy of the finance committee report in his hands in the presence of media.

Madam Speaker, I want to point out that he was the only person of the Standing Committee on Finance who had a copy of that report. I therefore question the independence of the report in view of that fact. I would ask that the Chair recognize this.

Taxation December 4th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the figures do not lie. Let us do it slowly. Tax cuts in Alberta, increase in employment. Tax cuts in Ontario, increase in jobs. Those are the facts. The C.D. Howe Institute says the CPP increase of 73% will cost $13 billion in GDP and 200,000 jobs by 2003.

How on earth can the government's high tax policies contribute to the Canadian economy? How can they create jobs? They can only lose jobs for Canadian workers.

Taxation December 4th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, if they want to talk about tax cuts, they should talk to Ralph Klein and Mike Harris. Over 60% of all the jobs created in Canada over the last two years were created by Klein and Harris.

If the government does not get the message that tax hikes kill jobs, why does it not simply follow the lead of Mike Harris and Ralph Klein and what they did in those provinces?

Taxation December 4th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, on January 1 the Liberal government and the finance minister will take yet another step toward the biggest tax hike in the history of Canada.

With the CPP premiums going up more than twice as much as the measly EI premium refund or decrease, when we do the math it works out to another net tax hike for Canadians, yet another pound of flesh cut out of Canadian family budgets.

The parliamentary secretary told the truth when he said he would take the blame for the Liberal assault on health care.

Taxation December 3rd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the finance minister simply does not understand the Reform Party's position. He is dreaming in technicolour. I remind him that the jobs he is so proud of creating were created in Ontario and Alberta where they did cut taxes. He can take no credit for that.

He still does not understand so I will ask him very clearly. He knows high payroll taxes and taxes in general kill jobs, investment and consumer spending. When is this message going to get through? When is he going to give Canadians the tax break they deserve?

Taxation December 3rd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, Scrooge has nothing on the finance minister. The only appropriate response for the measly reduction in EI premiums is bah, humbug.

The fact is he is still ripping off Canadian workers to the tune of $300 a year.

Why can the tax crazy finance minister not understand that his obsession with high taxes is killing jobs, killing investment, killing consumer spending and killing Canadians' dreams of a secure financial future?

Taxation December 3rd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the problem is when the finance minister speaks about Reform policy he demonstrates he is truly a stranger to the truth. There is no doubt about that.