Mr. Speaker, there are times when a member of Parliament receives the opportunity to do something extraordinary.
On Friday, September 25, on behalf of the Government of Canada, I was asked to unveil a plaque in St. John's, Newfoundland, honouring Terrance Stanley Fox at the site where he began his “Marathon of Hope”. I was joined by Terry's brother, Fred, many local dignitaries and hundreds of school children who, like tens of thousands of students across Canada, celebrated Terry's run on that day.
It was cold and damp, not unlike 29 years ago when Terry Fox ran for hope and ran for us. I met Terry and my memories of him are vivid. He was fiercely passionate and deeply caring.
As the inscription reads at Mile 0, “this is the place where a young man's dream began and a nation's hope lives on”.
Terry Fox will forever be remembered as one of our greatest Canadians. Well done, Terry. We continue to be proud of him.
All Canadians would want him to know we will continue his battle until cancer is conquered. Terry Fox: a Canadian hero.