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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was firearms.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Yorkton—Melville (Saskatchewan)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 69% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Supply September 22nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, it is very interesting how members opposite cleverly manipulate the discussion in the House to try to show that what they are doing is so wonderful for society. It becomes quite clear that they are trying to re-engineer society to get people to think that they are thinking in some way of what they are doing here.

The focus of the discussion today is a registration scheme.

Supply September 22nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, it is with great joy that I point out to the member that we had a free vote on Bill C-68 in this House and we were roundly criticized by the NDP which did not have a free vote on this. We did. We had a free vote and our members are free to express that. They can represent their constituents. In fact, we go beyond that. We would like to see a lot more democracy in this country.

I remind the member that he has been going around the country saying we should get rid of the Senate and he has joined together with a Liberal member of parliament from Ontario to do that. Unfortunately that would not improve the democracy in this country. We need to have a Senate that has some free votes and some accountability and is not appointed by the prime minister.

We go well beyond what this member is saying and we truly want to democratize this institution. Those demonstrators who are out there today show very clearly one of the problems we have with this country and that is that when people express themselves they are not being listened to by this government. I think it should be of major concern to this member here that the people of Canada cannot express themselves and let their will be known.

Supply September 22nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise to add my voice of concern to the direction in which this government is leading this country.

I am going to ask a question at the beginning of this debate. Why are we debating this issue today when there should be other issues that are much more important in this country? The reason we are debating this today is because this issue strikes right to the heart of what is wrong with this government. This issue strikes right to the heart of the problems we are trying to solve in this parliament.

We have had politics enter the area of justice and because of that the government is putting the whole country at risk.

Why do I say that this is politics?

Since the passage of Bill C-68 and all the debate that took place in 1994 and 1995, I have been asked many times “Why is the government forcing this upon us when it flies in the face of common sense? Why is the government pushing forth with this bill?” People are asking me “What will it accomplish?”

I have to be honest with them. I cannot read the mind of the government, but I observe, as we look at this legislation, that this government is trying to create the impression that it is doing something wonderful for society by introducing a gun registration scheme. The government is equating this gun registration scheme with reducing crime in society.

When we scratch the surface, when we look underneath, we realize that there is nothing there. Then people say “How does laying a piece of paper beside your gun reduce crime?” I say that it cannot. It does not. And nowhere is there any documented evidence in the world to support this. Countries have tried this around the world.

The government has not even answered the question that I have asked many times. We have had the registration of handguns since 1934. Give us some evidence of how this has saved lives; of how this has reduced crime. The government cannot do it. It flies right at the very heart of democracy and debate. This government has hidden information from the Canadian people. They have not been able to properly judge this legislation and other legislation that comes before the House. This is a very good example of what is wrong with this country.

The demonstration that is going to take place this afternoon demonstrates, just like it did in Vancouver, that we can demonstrate all we want but our government does not listen. It ploughs ahead in the face of contradictory facts with legislation that will not work.

Many Canadians have been deceived. That is my theme. I want to emphasize it. They have been deceived by their own government into believing that gun control is crime control and that it will somehow make our lives safer.

There are several myths that have been spread about by the Liberals. Once people find out the truth about them, the support for the registration drops dramatically.

The hon. parliamentary secretary quoted the statistic that 82% of Canadians support this. She did not finish the story. When the polling company asks them whether they would support it if the costs are $200 million, as they now are, rather than $85 million, or when they rise to $1 billion whether they would still support it, the support goes way down. It becomes a minority of people. That is hidden.

The government always creates the impression that this is supported by the public, but it is not. Once the public finds out the true facts it drops dramatically.

Why are these myths being spread about by the Liberals? There are at least 10 of them. Unfortunately, in a 10 minute speech I do not have time to touch on all of them. One of the myths that is spread is that it is going to be cost effective. It is not.

Originally we were told that this was going to cost $85 million. That number disappeared a long time ago. In fact the budget for this year is over $133 million and that is just for the upfront costs. That is not for the hidden costs of all the other departments, what the provinces have to spend and the cost that is probably well and beyond that. Also, the year previous it was $67 million. That is $200 million in just the last couple of years.

Then the government goes on to tell us that it is going to take $50 million or $60 million per year to maintain the system. By the government's own numbers that is $1 billion by the year 2015.

If we ask people whether they would prefer to have that $50 million or $60 million per year spent fighting organized crime rather than a registration scheme, guess what they say? “Let's fight organized crime. We don't need a bureaucratic boondoggle, such as the registration system, in this country. It will do very little. It is not cost effective. We would rather have $50 million or $60 million to fight organized crime, which is a big problem. Target the criminal, not the law-abiding citizen”.

If we ask them whether they would rather have $50 million or $60 million to set up a DNA data bank, guess what they say? “We would rather register criminals than law-abiding citizens. We would rather have that facility available to us”.

If we ask them whether they would rather have $50 million or $60 million spent compensating victims of crime, or victims of the HIV blood scandal that we had in this country and is still being debated, there is no doubt as to where they would spend that $50 million or $60 million.

That needs to be debated in this House. We are in charge of the public purse. We have to decide as parliamentarians by looking at the big picture what is happening in the country and how we are going to spend taxpayer money.

When people find out about this registration scheme they would rather have the money spent elsewhere. If they were asked whether they would rather have $50 million or $60 million spent fighting child pornography or child prostitution, guess what they would say.

The government claims it does not have money for many of these very important things and yet it spends it on a registration scheme that is soon going to cost us $1 billion.

When members of the public are asked whether they would rather have $50 million or $60 million spent on crime prevention or a gun registration scheme, they always choose the crime prevention, or $50 million or $60 million to combat family violence. Guess what they say. They would rather have the money spent combating family violence. When asked if they would rather $50 million or $60 million be put into police resources so that they can investigate all the unsolved murders and sex offences, guess what the public says.

Today in British Columbia they are short $15 million which translates into 300 policemen on the street. They are short that much in order to provide the proper law enforcement resources in that province alone, and this exists across the country. Instead we put money into a bureaucratic scheme so that every gun owner can put a piece of paper beside his or her gun.

This defies common sense. This is ridiculous and the public is fed up with it. There are so many myths associated with this that need to be dispelled. One is the cost and the other is the that the public supports this.

Not only does Bill C-68 not accomplish anything, it does the exact opposite of what is intended. It takes resources and money from areas where it could be much better spent as I have just explained and puts it into forming more big government. It also takes police off the street. It takes away police resources and puts it into an area where it is much more needed.

We do not need this. We need to have our police on the street and a registration scheme ties up the police behind their desks, not out on the street where they would do a lot more good. When the public realizes that it would do the opposite of what is intended, of what the government has said, the support for this drops dramatically.

Supply September 22nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the myths, the misleading of the public continues even in that speech, a couple of years after the bill was passed.

For example, one of the things the minister trotted out is that large numbers of people out there support Bill C-68. She quoted a poll from Angus Reid in which 82% of the people contacted support gun control. What she neglected to say, and this is a key point, is that when people find out what the gun control measures that this government has put in place are, the support drops to less than 45%.

The government has given the impression, which I am sure is just pure politics, that it is doing something wonderful for society by bringing in a gun registration scheme that is already costing $200 million, two and a half times the original projected cost, and will probably by the government's own figures cost $1 billion by the year 2015.

When the public finds out what the registration scheme is all about, support drops to less than 45%. In fact it is in the neighbourhood of 43%. She neglects to mention that when she quotes these polls that have been taken.

Another thing that she trotted out is that there are over 1,000 lives lost in regard to this but she neglects to mention that there is no connection between this registration scheme and any way that the number would be reduced. The Liberals always trot out these figures in some attempt to convince the public that what they are doing is going to reduce that number.

She then goes into a description of the form, a form that has been described by their own members as being no more complex than the Income Tax Act. She describes this piece of paper. What she does not tell us is how laying this piece of paper beside one's gun is going to reduce crime. Nowhere in the entire world is there documented evidence that this reduces crime. She neglects to say that when she describes this.

My question for her comes from her very own user group that has said there is going to be a 50% error rate in regard to this registration scheme. The police are asking for this. If there is going to be an error rate, at what level will the error rate be acceptable?

The reason this system has been delayed for the fourth time is because the government cannot make it work and it will never work. My question for her is at what level does the error rate have to be reduced so that this will be some kind of a system that might have a chance of doing anything? At what level would she accept this error rate that she described to be?

Petitions September 22nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, today, as thousands of law-abiding, responsible gun owners are congregating on Parliament Hill, I am pleased to present 605 pages of petitions with 13,933 signatures of concerned citizens from Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, B.C. and the Yukon calling on the government to repeal Bill C-68, the Firearms Act.

My constituents have asked me to keep a running total of the repeal of Bill C-68 petitions. This year I have introduced 744 pages with 17,342 signatures.

These Canadians are very concerned that this billion dollar licensing and registration scheme will do nothing to curtail the criminal use of firearms, is not cost effective in addressing the violent crime problem in Canada, is putting tens of thousands of jobs in jeopardy and is opposed by the majority of police on the street and the governments of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the Yukon.

Therefore, they request parliament to repeal Bill C-68, the Firearms Act, and spend their hard earned tax dollars on more cost effective, crime fighting measures such as hiring more police to fight organized crime and more crime prevention programs.

Nunavut Act June 2nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order.

As a member am I not entitled to some reason why the Liberals are—

Nunavut Act June 2nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order.

Anybody who introduces petitions behind the scenes does so very cowardly and I have the right to submit these openly. I ask for the consent of the House to submit openly the great stack of petitions I have on the repeal of Bill C-68.

Nunavut Act June 2nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order to seek consent from the House to present some petitions. We omitted petitions this morning. These petitions deal with the repeal of Bill C-68. I would like to get consent to take a minute to present them. There are quite a number of petitions.

Parks Canada Act June 2nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order.

I am finding it almost unbelievable that people from across Canada and from almost every province are giving me petitions to present and I am not allowed to properly present them.

Parks Canada Act June 2nd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, I think now is probably an appropriate time to get unanimous consent to submit the petitions that have been given to me by gun owners and other concerned Canadians on the repeal of Bill C-68.