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Track Glen

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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is firearms.

Conservative MP for Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 65% of the vote.

A month ago

Voted No on Vote #847 on Bill C-69 Implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024

Voted Yes on Vote #848 on Bill C-65 Amend the Canada Elections

Voted No on Vote #849 on Bill C-65 Amend the Canada Elections

Voted Yes on Vote #850 Private Members' Business M-109 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (amendments to the Standing …

Voted Yes on Vote #851 on Bill C-323 Amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)

Spoke in the House on Carbon Tax Mr. Speaker, after nine years under the current Prime Minister, his inflationary carbon tax is driving up the cost of everything, making life more expensive than …

Spoke in the House on Business of Supply Madam Speaker, I listened to the member's speech with amusement, and it brings several questions to mind. First, can the member tell us how much carbon …

Spoke in the House on Questions on the Order Paper With regard to the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) decision to have Employment Professionals Canada (EPC) as their permitted offload and reload service provider: (a) what …

Two months ago

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Bill C-70 Thank you, Chair. Thank you very much to our witnesses for being here. For most of the questions I would like to relate today, I would …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Bill C-70 Ms. Leung, I have a question about the foreign registry for you. You indicated previously that the foreign agents registry must encompass activities outside of political …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Bill C-70 I would have to disagree. If you look at the actual order from the House, this committee is to be seized with no other committee business …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to reports, studies, assessments, and evaluations (hereinafter referred to as "deliverables") prepared for the government, including any department, agency, Crown corporation or other government …

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the Prime Minister, life has become so expensive that more of our Canadians are having difficulty feeding themselves and their ...

Three months ago

Spoke at the Declaration of Emergency committee on Committee Business I respect Mr. Maloney's comments; however, a significant portion of the report is already started. We had been working on it prior to you joining the ...

Spoke in the House on The Budget Mr. Speaker, spending last week in and around my riding of Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner, two things were abundantly clear. The first was that spring has finally sprung. ...

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada Thank you very much, Chair. Thank you to the witnesses for being here. A couple of things are certainly troubling. One is the fact that the ...

More than three months ago

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential ... The amendment is that in clause 13, after line 34 on page 80, we add the following: (2) In making regulations under subsection (1), the Governor ...

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Mandate and Priorities of the Minister of Public Safety I'm going to get to the amnesty issue in a minute. What I find troubling is that the evidence that law enforcement has shown across the ...

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on An Act respecting cyber security, amending the Telecommunications Act and making consequential ... I'm not theoretical like the lawyers. This is proposed subsection 15.5(3). It's talking about exceptions. (3) Information that is designated as confidential my be disclosed, or ...

Spoke in the House on Government Business No. 34—Proceedings on Bill C-62 Mr. Speaker, I too am very concerned about closure on such an important matter. My opinion is that by allowing assisted death on the basis of ...

Spoke in the House on Points of Order Mr. Speaker, I withdraw the comment, but these are comments that I hear from my constituents on a daily—