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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was forces.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Carleton—Mississippi Mills (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 57% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Business of Supply March 14th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, if you seek it, I believe you would find unanimous consent to apply the results from the previous vote to the current motion, with Conservatives voting yes.

Protecting Air Service Act March 14th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I move:

That the House do now adjourn.

Protecting Air Service Act March 14th, 2012

Mr. Chair, the Conservatives agree and vote yes.

Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act March 12th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, a week or two ago I clarified what the rules were. After I sit down, there may be a gap of time, but the key point is when the Chair says the motion. The Chair did not say the motion and therefore he can vote.

Safe Streets and Communities Act March 9th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I ask that you see the clock at 1:30 p.m.

Canada Water Preservation Act March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, if you seek it, I believe you would find consent to see the clock as 6:30 p.m.

Business of Supply March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. I ask that you see the clock at 5:30 p.m.

Privilege March 2nd, 2012

Mr. Speaker, reasonable people have to find a balance between security and access. I acknowledge that members of Parliament have the right to operate within the precinct with free will as long as they are not impeding anybody else. However, when there are visitors here, and we have had many honoured visitors, the security has to go up. When the Prime Minister is around, the security goes up. We have to balance security and access.

This is not the 1800s any more. There is a lot of communication and we have many threats of terrorism from all over the place. We have to make sure that a tragedy does not occur here and that someone does not get injured or killed because security was lax. There will always be difficulty in finding a balance between security and access.

I am sure the Speaker will take this up and investigate it. However, I cannot believe that there was any bad intention to try to impede MPs. I recommend that the Speaker look at this and make sure that there is a balance between security and access.

Financial Literacy Leader Act March 1st, 2012

moved that Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act, be read the second time and referred to a committee.

Canada-Jordan Economic Growth and Prosperity Act March 1st, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I ask that the vote be moved to the next Monday following question period.