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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is money.

Conservative MP for Calgary Centre (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 51% of the vote.

make suremoneyactuallygoing forwardoil and gas

Three months ago

Voted No on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Voted No on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke in the House on Oil and Gas Industry Mr. Speaker, my question from November 8 was on the doublespeak on the government's oil and gas production cut. The parliamentary secretary to the Minister of …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Madam Speaker, I really enjoyed my colleague's speech. I want to ask him a question because he did touch on carbon taxation and the effect it …

Spoke in the House on Finance Mr. Speaker, that is a minister who has never seen a cheque he did not want to sign of Canadian taxpayer dollars. Former Liberal adviser Robert …

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

More than three months ago

Spoke in the House on The Economy Madam Speaker, the member keeps trying to talk about putting band-aids on the wounds his economic policies are causing, but step one is to reverse inflationary …

Spoke in the House on Innovation, Science and Industry Madam Speaker, I take some exception to how my colleague across the way just responded to my other colleague on this side of the house. We …

Spoke in the House on Business of Supply Mr. Speaker, I heard the speech from the member on the other side. This is a motion that really just says that if a member says …

Spoke in the House on Committees of the House Madam Speaker, I think the member for Edmonton Strathcona just reiterated a mistruth in the House, and it is up to you to make sure she …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Madam Speaker, going back to the debate and what the member said in his speech, what does he think the government is trying to hide in …

Spoke at the Natural Resources committee on Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Vote 1b under Canadian Energy Regulator, and Votes … Let me quote the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development on some of his input on what you've accomplished so far with these organizations, because …

Spoke at the Citizenship and Immigration committee on Briefing on the 2024 Annual report to Parliament on Immigration and Supplementary … Thank you, Mr. Chair. l have a few things to say. I've heard my colleague Ms. Kwan. I do appreciate what she's saying about putting a …

Spoke at the Natural Resources committee on Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Mr. Giroux, for coming to the committee on this important matter. We have a lot to ask you on this, …

Spoke at the Citizenship and Immigration committee on Pension Transferability and Access to Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), and Delays in … It's just one introduction. Okay. Thank you. My questions are mostly for the finance officials who are here, so thank you very much. Mr. Smith, you …

Spoke at the Finance committee on Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2025 Budget I'll check you on that, because if you're in the oil and gas industry and you're in a country that's saying we don't want you anymore, …

Spoke at the Citizenship and Immigration committee on Pension Transferability and Access to Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), and Delays in … Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you to the witnesses for the depth of information you have provided us here today and for the meetings you've had …

Spoke at the Natural Resources committee on Canada’s Electricity Grid and Network Thank you, Mr. Chair. It's been a while since I've been on this committee. My colleague, Ms. Dabrusin, is presenting this, and I've worked with her …

Spoke at the Citizenship and Immigration committee on Government's Response to the Final Report of the Special Committee on Afghanistan … Thank you. Much time has been taken in addressing almost nothing in both public meetings and non-public meetings; I hope that was better said, Mr. Chair. …

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-262 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (capture and utilization or storage of greenhouse gases)

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-214 An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (qualifying environmental trust)