With regard to Veterans Affairs Canada, for the fiscal years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016: (a) what was the number of applicants for each of the following programs, (i) Disability and Death Compensation--Disability Pension Program--Disability Pensions, (ii) Disability and Death Compensation, (iii) Disability and Death Compensation--Disability Pension Program, (iv) Disability and Death Compensation--Disability Pension Program--Exceptional Incapacity Allowance, (v) Disability and Death Compensation--Disability Pension Program--Treatment Allowance, (vi) Disability Awards Program, (vii) Disability Awards Program--Disability Awards, (viii) Financial Support Program, (ix) Financial Support Program--Financial Benefits, (x) Financial Support Program--Financial Benefits--Earnings Loss, (xi) Financial Support Program--Financial Benefits--Canadian Forces Income Support, (xii) Financial Support Program--Financial Benefits--Supplementary Retirement Benefit, (xiii) Financial Support Program--Financial Benefits--Permanent Impairment Allowance, (xiv) Financial Support Program--War Veterans Allowance, (xv) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services, (xvi) ) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Rehabilitation, (xvii) ) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Career Transition Services, (xviii) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Health Care Benefits, (xix) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Health Care Benefits--Health Care Benefits and Services, (xx) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Health Care Benefits--Veterans Independence Program--Other Services, (xxi) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Intermediate and Long-Term Care, (xxii) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Intermediate and Long-Term Care--Non-Departmental Institutions--Veterans Independence Program, (xxiii) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Intermediate and Long-Term Care--Non-Departmental Institutions--Long Term Care, (xxiv) Canada Remembers Program--Partnerships and Collaborations, (xxv) Health Care Program and Reestablishment Services--Intermediate and Long-Term Care--Funeral and Burial Program; (b) what was the number of rejected applications for the programs identified in (a); (c) what was the number of completed applications for the programs identified in (a); (d) what was the average length of time for applications to be processed for the programs identified in (a); (e) what was the median length of time for application to be processed for the programs identified in (a); (f) what was the shortest length of time for an application to be processed for the programs identified in (a); and (g) what was the longest length of time for an application to be processed for the programs identified in (a)?