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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was sector.

Last in Parliament December 2022, as Liberal MP for Winnipeg South Centre (Manitoba)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 46% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, we know the people of Alberta have suffered as a result of the low commodity prices. We know some 120,000 were jobs lost, but thankfully at least half of them have returned. We know we have approved the Enbridge Line 3 replacement. We have approved the Trans Mountain expansion. We are in favour of the KXL pipeline. We have met with energy workers. We have met with CEOs of the energy industry. They realize this government stands with energy workers.

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, we know these energy projects are divisive by their very nature. We know provincial governments do not agree. We have seen all kinds of evidence of that. We know that even within the New Democratic Party, premiers do not agree. We know that within indigenous communities also. There are those who are on the side of developing the project and those who are not.

Ultimately, a decision has to be taken with respect to our constitutional obligations that is mindful of Canada's interest.

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the Federal Court of Appeal in the northern gateway case quashed the approval, not because Enbridge did not consult sufficiently, not because the National Energy Board did not consult sufficiently, but because the Harper government did not. We were left with a decision whether to use the same process that had failed the court test.

We decided there had to be much greater consultation. Now we know that 43 indigenous communities benefit from this, 33 of them in British Columbia. We have co-developed with indigenous communities. Monitoring this pipeline—

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the Premier of Alberta was elected on a mandate to have the pipeline built. The Premier of British Columbia was elected on a mandate to use every tool kit to see that the project would not be built. The Government of Canada, the only government that speaks for all Canadians, will make sure the project is built.

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

I know why they would be sensitive. It is because not one kilometre of pipeline was built so that we could access global markets. Ninety-nine per cent of the exports of oil and gas go to one country, the United States. I think all members of the House would agree that this is not in Canada's interest.

The Prime Minister could not be clearer. This project is good for Canada, and it will be built.

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, in 10 years of the Harper government, they failed—

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, we understand the uncertainty that has been surrounding the project, an uncertainty that is due in large part to the actions and the threat of actions by the Government of British Columbia, which is why the Prime Minister said very clearly to all Canadians on Sunday that he has asked the Minister of Finance to engage in financial discussions with Kinder Morgan and others while the government looks at all legislative options.

Natural Resources April 17th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the Government of Canada approved the pipeline because of the jobs that it will create, because of the better price we will get for our natural resources in export markets, and because of the importance not only for western Canadians but for the whole country to learn that the future of the energy industry in Canada is vital to our economic growth. The Prime Minister has reiterated that objective as recently as two days ago.

Trans Mountain Expansion Project April 16th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the government has been clear that it will work with the proponent, and perhaps with others, to ensure that the uncertainty that has been created by the Government of British Columbia is given enough certainty in order to justify a significant new investment into this pipeline.

The policy goals of the government could not be clearer, for reasons that I am sure we would agree on: we need the better price, we need the jobs, we need the expansion of export markets, we need the protection of the coast, and we need more co-developed programs with indigenous people.

All of the necessary work that should have been done to prepare this pipeline and to bring Canadians with us has been done. We are certain the pipeline will be built.

Trans Mountain Expansion Project April 16th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I am confident in saying that this government and this party are the only ones in this House who understand exactly that we can develop good jobs in the energy sector while protecting the environment.

We hear from the New Democrats about the importance of the environment, yet we do not hear very often about the importance of creating good jobs. By the way, I am sure my hon. friend knows there are thousands of union members who stand to benefit from building the Trans Mountain expansion. I am sure he realizes that it was the energy of working men and women and their families that built pipelines before, and who maybe even built this very pipeline that has been carrying diluted bitumen for 30 years and has been operational since 1953.

We do understand the balance between environmental stewardship and economic growth—