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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was budget.

Last in Parliament April 2014, as Conservative MP for Whitby—Oshawa (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 58% of the vote.

budgeteconomic action planyearoppositetaxeseconomytax reliefbillionincomefiscalcreditprovinces and territoriesrespect

Statements in the House

Taxation May 1st, 2013

Mr. Speaker, we continue to reduce taxes. In fact, it is incredible to hear the Liberals talk about taxes after they opposed everything we have done to reduce taxes, including taxes for small business. Instead of fighting for Canadians, the Liberals are fighting for special jobs and special breaks for companies from China. Under our leadership, Canadian families are saving over $3,200 per year on average in taxes.

As spoken

Taxation May 1st, 2013

Mr. Speaker, as I said, health care services have always been exempt from GST in Canada. They remain exempt. The changes are with respect to legal and insurance expenses, and they are distinct from medical treatment for health purposes.

As spoken

Taxation May 1st, 2013

Mr. Speaker, while the member opposite asks about the economy, I am sure the member wanted to take note that Canada's economy grew by .3% in January and February, surpassing analysts' expectations and emphasizing our focus on jobs, growth and long-term prosperity. With respect to taxes, it is our government that brought in tax relief for Canadians, tax relief by cutting the GST.

The question for the Liberals is why they are arguing for a special break for Chinese companies.

As spoken

Employment April 30th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, let us be clear about what the Parliamentary Budget Officer actually said. The Parliamentary Budget Officer found that the measures in the budget, that is economic action plan 2013, will, and I quote, “have a net positive impact on the level of real GDP and employment in 2013”. That is, in fact, what the report says. I do not know what information the member opposite is referring to.

As spoken

Employment April 30th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, I thank the member opposite for her question about the economy. I am pleased to report that Statistics Canada today announced that Canada's economy grew by 0.3% in January and February, surpassing analysts' expectations.

We have the soundest banks in the world. We have the best growth in the G7. We have the best credit rating in the world. It is the best place to live in the world.

As spoken

Taxation April 30th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, we need to draw a distinction between health care services, health care treatment and medical legal expenses. The member opposite is talking about medical legal expenses, and issues of that type, and not about treatment for people in Canada.

As spoken

Taxation April 30th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, credit unions still have access to the lower small business tax rate. That has not changed.

In fact, Quebec eliminated a comparable subsidy in 2003, also recognizing that it was no longer fair under the current system. This is a tax benefit that was designed for small credit unions. It was not designed for large credit unions that now rival our banks.

As spoken

Taxation April 29th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, preferential tariffs are a form of foreign aid that are designed to help underdeveloped countries. Countries such as China now have an economy four times the size of the Canadian economy. I would expect the hon. member to support Canadian workers, Canadian manufacturers and Canadian businesses and not Chinese businesses in China, which, as I say, is a much larger economy.

As spoken

Taxation April 26th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the real question is why the NDP wants to give special tax breaks to Chinese companies and is opposed to creating jobs in Canada for Canadian workers, Canadian manufacturers, especially in the Hamilton and Niagara areas the hon. member represents. This is important. Of these tariff preferences, 80% are for China and Chinese companies. We want to prefer Canadian workers.

As spoken

Taxation April 26th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, our government has reduced taxes for Canadian families for seven years now, over eight budgets and more than 150 tax reductions. Canadian families on average are paying about $3,200 less in taxes than they were paying seven and a half years ago.

Now we have the NDP with the nerve, including here again this morning, asking for—

As spoken