Mr. Speaker, we also wish to acknowledge the 67th anniversary of D-Day, the first day of the major allied invasion of occupied France that led to the end of the second world war.
On June 6, 1944, more than 450 Canadians parachuted inland before 15,000 Canadian troops stormed Juno Beach in the face of enemy fire. With courage and skill, the Canadians soon captured three shoreline positions.
The soldiers of the army, the air force and the navy continued fighting until August 25, 1944, when Paris was finally liberated. Nine months later the allies achieved final victory in Europe.
As we remember the contributions of those who landed on foreign shores 67 years ago, we honour Canada's brave service men and women who continue to serve today, and we remember that even if they are not physically injured, soldiers can still come home wounded.
We must never forget Canada's brave service men and women and their sacrifices.
Canada remembers D-Day and the Battle of Normandy.