Mr. Speaker, my roots are from the country where the word democracy and its practice were born.
I listened to the debate of the hon. leader of the third party. I also listened to him during the election debates and was very impressed to hear that his party was going to come here as a constructive group to present alternatives, different views and so on.
When I heard the words "let us get together with your officials and our officials in private" I was astonished. Is this what the Canadian people elected us for, to get behind closed curtains and discuss things? Is this what the Canadian people want? I am sure that is not the vision of members of the Reform Party. I am sure that is not the campaign style they had. When I heard "let us get together behind closed doors and have a private session" I was astonished.
Could the leader of the third party tell me why a debate between the minister's officials and other officials has not been in public? Is this not the forum where we must have these debates? Is this not the forum where we must argue? Is this not the forum in which the word democracy should originate? Is this not where we should discuss things rather than in private?