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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament March 2015, as Conservative MP for Ottawa West—Nepean (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Transportation March 25th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, we constantly seek to raise the bar with respect to the standards not just for aviation security but also aviation safety. That includes mechanical aspects of civil aviation, but also those men and women who work in the system. We are currently following all ICAO standards. There are a good number of recommended practices that have been suggested in recent years. The department has established a task force to address these and what we can do to raise the bar and do a better job for Canadians, and we certainly welcome the advice and counsel of the member opposite.

Transportation March 25th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, the safety and security of Canadians is a top priority for Transport Canada. We have a significant amount of regulations that are enforced, with respect to flight crew fatigue management. It is something that is incredibly important.

All of our rules follow the standards put forward by the International Civil Aviation Organization. All of them.

Employment March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, working with the Government of Ontario, municipalities and community groups right across the province, we have seen the creation of some 70,000 jobs. That is not a government number. That is a number that was released by the Conference Board of Canada. It shows the great partnership we have on infrastructure. We are able to go three times farther and three times faster.

Thank goodness for our economic action plan, because had we sat back and done nothing, we would see great despair in this country. However, we see a lot of hope. We see a lot of opportunity and a lot of hope for the future.

International Cooperation March 22nd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, G8 leaders will discuss and aim to agree on the way forward to tackle child and maternal health at the upcoming summit that will take place here in Canada.

As we have said all along, we are not closing the door on any options that will save the lives of mothers and children, including contraception.

The government has also made it very clear and we have said all along that we are not reopening the issue of abortion or the debate thereon.

Health March 22nd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, I agree with the leader of the New Democratic Party that all Canadians take great pride in the health care system, which most of us rely on for all of our health care needs and those of our families.

We believe that health care has to be a priority. That is why, despite some difficult economic times, this government in the budget increased health care transfers to provinces by 6%. That is a huge vote of support for health care and a huge vote of support for the provinces and territories which deliver it to Canadians.

Rights & Democracy March 22nd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, from time to time politics does arise at committee. It is our hope that partisan politics can be put aside and that all members of the committee will work together on setting hearings and allowing key people, who could contribute to their discussion, to make their views known, not just to the committee but through them to the people of Canada.

Rights & Democracy March 22nd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, let me say at the outset that I disagree with many of the comments made before the member asked his question.

I know all members were excited that the Prime Minister was representing the Government of Canada at the closing ceremonies of the Paralympic Games. I want to join the member opposite in congratulating the great job that athletes and organizers did for that.

With respect to Rights & Democracy, there is no view to closing the operation down. Obviously we just appointed a new president and chief executive officer, which I think shows the government's support for this important institution.

Rights & Democracy March 22nd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, let me join members of the Liberal caucus in welcoming back to Ottawa the Leader of the Opposition. He said he did not miss anything, but we certainly missed him.

Let me say what I said on Friday. We said that we hoped that the committee could put aside partisan politics. We hoped it could put aside divisive bickering and come to an agenda to allow Madame Trépanier, who has obviously suffered a great loss, to be able to share her views with the committee and with Canadians.

Infrastructure March 19th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, there is a significant amount of concern for those people living in rural and remote areas by those of us in government. We have made an unprecedented commitment to infrastructure in this country. I am pleased to report to the member that we have an excellent working relationship with the Government of Manitoba, and particularly the hard-working minister of transportation of Manitoba.

I will certainly take the hon. member's concern back to the table and see what we can do to help improve the lives, not just of the people of her constituency but in all rural and remote parts of this great country.

Citizenship and Immigration March 19th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, I have some great news for the people in Cape Breton and the people in Newfoundland and Labrador. After years and years of inaction and neglect, the federal government is finally making major investments in Marine Atlantic. Through budget 2010, the federal government has indicated that it will put in hundreds of millions of dollars of new funds.

Where the Liberal Party failed Cape Breton and Newfoundland and Labrador, this government is delivering like no government has in recent years.