Mr. Speaker, the current legislation before Uganda's parliament is vile, abhorrent, offensive and it offends Canadian values and decency.
We strongly condemn that and the Prime Minister will make that strong condemnation as well.
Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.
Human Rights November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, the current legislation before Uganda's parliament is vile, abhorrent, offensive and it offends Canadian values and decency.
We strongly condemn that and the Prime Minister will make that strong condemnation as well.
Copenhagen Conference November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, as I said, Canada is committed to a successful climate change outcome in Copenhagen. Many government officials, the Minister of the Environment, even the Prime Minister, will be there to forcefully argue for a strong agreement. We believe that an agreement must be effective. We believe that an agreement must be ambitious and must include all emitters.
Due to the integrated nature of our economies, the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Environment have been working closely with the Obama administration and will continue to do so in the days and weeks ahead.
Copenhagen Conference November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, Canada is committed to a successful climate change outcome. The Prime Minister stood up in the House yesterday and said that if a significant number of other world leaders were attending, he would. In fact, he will be in Copenhagen.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, the government has been very clear. We have and will continue to provide all legally available information.
We think national security is important. We also think the safety of our men and women in uniform is paramount, and that is something we will never ever negotiate. Our government stands solidly behind our men and women in uniform and we make absolutely no apologies for that whatsoever.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, the generals who appeared yesterday reiterated exactly what this government has been saying all along, and in the House for more than a week. They dismissed the allegations against themselves and the government as completely baseless. I would encourage the member opposite to accept that.
If we have to hear from people, there is no more credible Canadian on this issue than General Rick Hillier. I believe what General Hillier said. I support our men and women in the military. Those of us on this side of the House will never ever do anything that will not ensure the complete security of our men and women in uniform.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
When the government gets credible evidence the government acts, Mr. Speaker, but we require proven, substantiated and credible evidence to act.
Yesterday, the House of Commons committee heard from two great Canadian heroes, General Rick Hillier, who called the allegations ludicrous. We also heard from one 36 year veteran in the Canadian Forces, Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier, who said that he felt mortified to see members of the opposition basically label the troops as war criminals. That is a disgrace and that is shameful.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, a great Canadian hero spoke to the House of Commons committee yesterday. General Rick Hillier, a great Canadian hero, dismissed the claims against the Canadian Forces as ludicrous and uninformed. We heard another general who said he was “mortified” at the questions being put by some members of the opposition.
I know the member for Toronto Centre and he was never more correct in his life when in the House of Commons on June 10, 1980, he said:
Nothing embarrasses the Liberals because they do not know the meaning of shame. They are without shame; they are shameless.
He was right then and is just as right today.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, to be very clear, we have and will continue to provide all legally available information to Parliament and to the committee. We think that is important.
The member opposite talks about darkness, but I will talk about the darkness that members of the Canadian armed forces remember, the decade of darkness of the Liberals' time in power.
I know the member for Toronto Centre. I know he would believe it is wrong to raise money on the backs of our men and women in uniform by maligning Canada. I would call on him to match the statements by the member for Vancouver South and stand in this place and call those types of shameless fundraising tactics wrong for what they are.
Afghanistan November 26th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, what is not compatible, and what is a shameless attempt to raise money, is for the Liberal Party to malign Canada and question the actions of our public servants and our brave men and women in uniform.
The Liberal Party is politicizing a very sensitive issue on the backs of our brave men and women in uniform. It is unwarranted, it is appalling and it is absolutely shameful.
Aviation Safety November 24th, 2009
Mr. Speaker, this government takes the safety of the travelling public very, very seriously. That is why we require pilots and others responsible for ensuring the safe transport of the travelling public to get the sleep that they need. Our government already has measures in place that are consistent with the intent of the ICAO standard for flight and duty times for flight crews. I am very pleased to offer to work with the member and to work with any pilots or unions across the country on making them stronger.