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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament March 2015, as Conservative MP for Ottawa West—Nepean (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Infrastructure May 11th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we are working constructively with the provinces and municipalities. Let us look at what the president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities said just last month:

The Government of Canada and all parliamentarians deserve recognition and thanks this week for their ongoing support for this important funding program and the working partnership they have forged with Canada's municipalities.

Step by step we are getting the job done. We eagerly look forward to the June parliamentary report, when we will outline all of the great action we are taking and will continue to take to help provide jobs and create hope and opportunity.

Infrastructure May 11th, 2009

My goodness, Mr. Speaker. There is quite the banter going back and forth.

Infrastructure May 11th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we have moved aggressively, making—

Infrastructure May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, my hon. colleague from Ottawa—Orléans has been building bridges between communities on both sides of the Ottawa River.

We were very pleased to join the Minister of Foreign Affairs when we announced funding for the rehabilitation of the Alexandria Bridge and the restoration of the Chaudière crossing. Some 15,000 people depend on these bridges daily. People have wanted to see investments made in Hull-Aylmer for so long, and finally they have a government that is delivering.

AbitibiBowater May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we respect provincial jurisdiction, and obviously it is a real concern for any Canadian when they have challenges in their economic circumstances.

That is why, though, it is absolutely essential that our government take a balanced approach, that we continue to cut taxes and put more money in the pockets of hard-working Canadians.

This government has come forward with many initiatives to cut taxes, particularly for senior citizens, particularly for those relating to retirement income, such as pension splitting. Those initiatives are tremendously important.

What we cannot do is change the course and do as the Liberal leader would have us do, raise taxes and take a bigger bite out of hard-working Canadian families.

The Economy May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the government's economic action plan is putting more money into the economy. We are cutting taxes. That has a positive effect. We are making major investments on infrastructure in every corner of this country.

At every stage of the way we can count on the NDP to not look at the plan and to vote against it, and that is an absolute disgrace.

Employment Insurance May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, in one breath, the member for Wascana belittles those people who create their own jobs, employ themselves and reach out to others. Now he seems to do a U-turn.

What is absolutely essential is that Canadians know that the Liberals want to raise taxes. Tax freedom day comes two weeks earlier since this Prime Minister took office. The member for Wascana and the Liberals want to turn the clock back and go deeper into Canadians' pockets. That will kill jobs and hurt Canadian taxpayers. Those of us on this side of the House will not allow it.

Employment Insurance May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, this government has made adjustments to employment insurance to allow more Canadians to collect employment insurance while this economy reaches some tough times. We were pleased that many jobs were created last month, and we are more committed than ever to fight hard to create more jobs and a better economy.

What would be absolutely devastating is if the Liberal leader had his way and would raise taxes. That would kill the recovery and punish Canadians. It is not something this side of the House would ever allow.

Employment May 8th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we are obviously very pleased with the April job numbers that were announced earlier today. It shows that our economic action plan is having a positive effect, helping to create and maintain jobs.

It also indicates that we must stay the course. What would be absolutely devastating to Canadians and our economy is the Liberal leader's plan to raise taxes. It would choke any possibility of a recovery. It would kill new jobs and it would punish hard-working Canadians, especially those who are creating their own jobs so they can avoid a Liberal payroll tax increase down the road.

Airline Industry May 5th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the Liberals had 13 years to do the job. They were just getting around to it had they only had that fifth term.

We strongly support greater rights for air travellers. There were many good points in the member's motion. We were pleased to see the airlines come forward yesterday with some proposals to strengthen the rights of consumers. They could be put into force through tariffs or they could be enforced through an independent commission. We certainly will give them fair consideration.