House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament March 2015, as Conservative MP for Ottawa West—Nepean (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Economic and Fiscal Statement December 3rd, 2008

Causing great stomach upset.

The Economy December 3rd, 2008

Mr. Speaker, it is this government that is building Canada, and it is that party opposite that wants to join in a coalition government with the separatists. That is simply unconscionable.

I have to say this: does she realize what Jacques Parizeau has said? Former premier Jacques Parizeau applauded without reservation the Bloc Québécois' recent impressive victory in forming a coalition government in Ottawa. If the member opposite is concerned about building, she should join us and build a stronger Canada.

The Economy December 3rd, 2008

Mr. Speaker, there is one thing this Prime Minister, this team, and this government will never do, and that is accept a separatist government on this side of the House in this country.

We are committed to providing sound, good government to ensure that we respond to the economic crisis. We will not join on board the Jacques Parizeau train, as the member opposite is doing. He should back away from this deal.

It is wrong for Canada, and this party and this government will always stand up for what is right for this great country.

Infrastructure November 26th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, let me be the first to congratulate the member on her election to the House of Commons. We are looking forward to working with her on what we could do to flow infrastructure funds and what we could do to help create jobs and open opportunities.

We had some good meetings with the Canadian Federation of Municipalities, four last week alone and one with the Prime Minister. We have agreed to make changes to the process so we will see decisions made quicker and the federal green light given as soon as possible.

We are committed to working with the provinces to get the job done. If the member opposite has specific suggestions, we would be more than happy to meet with her and to look at them.

Transportation November 26th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, when my colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was the Minister of Transportation, he announced on this government's behalf that we would be working with the Governments of Quebec and Ontario to review the study carried out 15 years ago. Public transportation is very important. This is a major project. It is not something that can be carried out immediately but we are working with both provincial governments to see what can be done in the future.

Arctic Sovereignty November 24th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, I was asked just 20 minutes ago “Where was all the anger? Where was all the indignation?” as Minister of Transport.

I want to tell the House that we will be putting all our anger against foreign shippers who pollute our Arctic waters. The Prime Minister announced this past August that we will extend our jurisdiction of enforcing Canada's top environmental enforcement laws to a full 200 nautical miles off our coast.

We will get tough with Arctic polluters and we will ensure that our Arctic waters are kept clean.

Air Transportation November 24th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for all members of the House by welcoming the new member for Brant. All of us are looking forward to working with him.

Our government is committed to respecting the safety, security and privacy of each and every Canadian. I can assure the House that the secure flight program does not apply to domestic Canadian flights, nor does it apply to Canadian airline flights which pass over Alaska.

We will work with the new administration in the United States to do our part to promote the highest level of aviation security we possibly can. The U.S. has indicated that the secure flight program will be exempt for countries with a comparable security system, and we will work with our counterparts in the new U.S. administration on that important issue.

Infrastructure November 24th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, no, that is not the case. We are committed to make quick decisions on important infrastructure projects in Quebec and around the country, so that we can take advantage of the federal funding that was provided in last year's budget.

We also want to expedite green-light approval to infrastructure projects in every region of the country. We had a very positive meeting with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. We are working well with the provinces. We are committed to working hard and getting the job done.

I say to the member for LaSalle—Émard that we would be very pleased to work with her and we would welcome any suggestions she might have on how we can achieve these results, working together.

Infrastructure November 24th, 2008

Mr. Speaker, I would like to say hello to our new colleague from LaSalle—Émard.

We were very proud to meet with Jean Perrault and representatives from the municipalities three times last week. We decided to do two things: we must make decisions as quickly as possible and we must give the green light to important projects, not only for the building Canada program, but for Canada's economy. We will work with the municipalities to find solutions that will lead to real results.

Infrastructure November 21st, 2008

Mr. Speaker, I noted with great interest the comment made by the Bloc Québécois member, who wants to build Canada. This is very important. We are very proud, and we agree with that strategy.

We are prepared to work with the municipalities and, in the case of Quebec, with the Government of Quebec, to make changes in order to create jobs in the construction industry, which is vital to economic growth, not only in Quebec, but across Canada.