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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is families.

Liberal MP for Papineau (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Indigenous affairs October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, the Liberal Party has recognized for many years that the Indian Act is a colonial law that is part of systemic racism, which, incidentally, the Bloc does not recognize, and that it is a problem that must be resolved.

We are working with indigenous peoples at their own pace to move beyond the Indian Act. We have signed agreements with several communities, and we are working with all communities across the country to do away with this legislation. We will do it in partnership, not by decree like the Bloc Québécois wants.

Intergovernmental Relations October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we respect and understand provincial jurisdictions, which means we recognize that long-term care homes, for example, are Quebec's responsibility.

However, we want to work with Quebec and all provinces to ensure that seniors across the country are protected and that there are standards of care in order to reassure families, seniors and all Canadians. We are taking care of seniors all across the country. The federal government is responsible for protecting all Canadians, and that is what we are going to do.

Health October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, public health agencies started holding meetings in early January to look at what was coming out of China and to raise concerns about the arrival of the pandemic. As soon as the pandemic arrived in Canada, we provided the Canada emergency response benefit, or CERB, to millions of Canadians across the country. Our public servants worked extremely quickly to almost immediately provide the help people needed.

The Leader of the Opposition says that we were wrong to help families first and that we should have helped businesses. We did help businesses, but we helped families first.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, there is a long history of systemic racism in our institutions in this country, including in the RCMP. We have acknowledged, as has the commissioner, that throughout its history the service has not always treated racialized and indigenous people fairly. There is no question for anyone on this side of the House that systemic racism exists within the RCMP. We are therefore working with the commissioner, who will bring forward meaningful change to ensure police treat all people with dignity and respect.

Public Safety October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, following one of the worst mass shootings in Canada's history, I had the sorry responsibility to speak with the members of families who lost loved ones, who had their lives and their communities shattered. I gave them a commitment that we would find out exactly what happened, what errors were made and who was to be held responsible for those errors; and demonstrate that we were committed to getting the answers all Nova Scotians, indeed all Canadians, want.

We proposed an inquiry that would be able to move quickly on that, but families said they wanted a national public inquiry. That is exactly what we are moving forward with, so that they get all the answers they need the way they need them.

COVID-19 Emergency Response October 27th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, the member opposite knows well that it was a decision taken on the border by locals on the ground, that was made in error and the situation was fixed afterward.

I want to take this moment to thank all the volunteers, voters, organizers and election workers who participated in by-elections in both Toronto Centre and York Centre yesterday. We showed that during a pandemic, Canadians continue to believe strongly in the strength of our democratic institutions.

I want to congratulate Marci Ien and Ya’ara Saks on being elected as the Liberal members of Parliament for Toronto Centre and York Centre. We look forward to having these two strong women join our House.

The Environment October 21st, 2020

Mr. Speaker, over the past five years, we have done more on climate change and to protect Canada's natural habitats than any government in the history of the country. When we came in, a mere 1% of Canada's coastal areas and oceans was protected. We are now up to 14% and are on our way to 25%.

We will continue to stand up for Canada's environment, continue to create good jobs into the future by investing in transforming our economy in positive ways, and we will ensure that every region of the country plays a strong role in building that better future.

Even as we are in this crisis of the pandemic, we need to address the crisis of climate change, and this government will.

COVID-19 Emergency Response October 21st, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Vimy for her very important question and all of her hard work.

SMEs have always been there for us, and they need our support today more than ever. That is why we launched the largest small business aid package in the history of our country, with programs such as the Canada emergency wage subsidy; the Canada emergency business account, which helped over 770,000 small businesses; the Canada emergency commercial rent assistance program; and many more.

Nothing is off the table when it comes to helping small businesses, because they are the key to our country's success.

Justice October 21st, 2020

Mr. Speaker, we brought in major reforms to the judicial appointment process in 2016. We strengthened the role of independent judicial advisory committees. We created a more rigorous, open and accountable system that better reflects Canada's diversity. Appointments are based on merit, on the needs of the courts and on each candidate's area of expertise.

We are proud of the extremely competent members of the legal profession who have been appointed since our improved system was introduced. They come from diverse backgrounds and, yes, they have different political affiliations.

Health October 21st, 2020

Mr. Speaker, the choice is up to the opposition parties. They moved a motion that is clearly not in confidence of the government. They have decided that they no longer want to work constructively in this House to deliver for Canadians. It is their choice.

On this side of the House, we are not interested in an election. We have much work to do to continue to deliver for Canadians. The question before the opposition members today is whether they want to continue to work constructively for Canadians. We shall soon see their answer.