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Track Justin

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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is support.

Liberal MP for Papineau (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Ethics October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, the answer is no.

Natural Resources October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, it is lovely to hear the Conservatives finally realizing there is a Newfoundland and Labrador that we need to preoccupy ourselves with. We have been working with them very closely, both our Minister of Natural Resources and the new premier, whom I spoke to just days ago to talk about how we can continue to work to support workers in Newfoundland and Labrador and indeed in the energy sector across the country.

We will continue to be there to stand up for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. We will continue to be there to support our workers right across the country as we move forward through this difficult time and into decades to come.

Public Safety October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, we continue to be very focused on keeping Canadians safe. We are certainly aware of all these reports and are looking very carefully at them, but we trust our experts in our security realm and in our intelligence realm to make fact-based recommendations to us. They are gathering information from our partners. They are looking at this situation. We will move forward in a responsible way that keeps Canadians safe, as we have every step of the way.

Public Safety October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, again, that is simply not true. We have worked very closely with our allies and Five Eyes partners around the world to ensure the safety and security of Canadians, and of our infrastructure.

We will continue to make decisions based on expert advice from our intelligence and security professionals as we move forward to do what we need to do to keep Canadians safe in an increasingly interconnected world.

Health October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition is talking nonsense.

We have been working with and listening to scientists all along.

Funding and staffing levels at the agency he is referring to have remained stable since 2015. We listened to the concerns from officials and launched a review several weeks ago to find out exactly what happened and to ensure that we can continue working with scientists as best we can.

Health October 8th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, that is completely untrue. We have been listening to the advice of public health experts and scientists all along.

Funding and staffing levels at the Global Public Health Intelligence Network have remained stable since 2015. We are concerned about reports that analysts were unable to do their jobs. Several weeks ago, the minister ordered an independent review to ensure that their important work could continue.

We have taken this pandemic seriously from day one. We are working with the experts and have been doing so all along.

Foreign Affairs October 7th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, we are aware of the allegations that Canadian technology is being used in this conflict. The minister immediately asked public servants to look into those allegations.

We suspended the relevant export permits to Turkey in order to better assess the situation.

We are asking that measures be taken immediately to stabilize the situation on the ground. We are asking for a peaceful, negotiated solution to this conflict.

Housing October 7th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Ottawa South for his question and for his hard work.

One thing we have learned from this crisis is that our economic recovery must include more affordable housing. That is why we are proud to announce a $1-billion rapid housing initiative to help meet the housing needs of the most vulnerable Canadians. This initiative will create 3,000 new permanent affordable housing units across Canada and will help achieve our goal to eliminate chronic homelessness.

Employment October 7th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, CERB, the wage subsidy, the student benefit, the assistance for seniors and the various measures we implemented were all there to help Canadians during the pandemic, to help workers and small businesses, among others.

We will continue to be there for workers, businesses and our economy during the second wave. We know that one of the best ways to protect the economy and make sure it bounces back is to control the spread of the virus right now.

We are calling on everyone to help us control the spread, and we will continue to do so to help workers.

Employment October 7th, 2020

Mr. Speaker, from the start of this pandemic, we have been there for Canadians, with the CERB, the wage subsidy and targeted measures to help those in need. I do not know the details of the situation my colleague referred to, but I will undertake to make inquiries and return with a good answer in the future.