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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is support.

Liberal MP for Papineau (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Public Services and Procurement February 13th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the COVID‑19 pandemic was a once-in-a-generation, even once-in-a-century occurrence. Everything we did and every decision we made was designed to protect Canadians. Of course, we all expect public servants and others to follow the rules. We expect the RCMP and the authorities to do their job.

However, it is worth remembering that our government is the one concerned about security at our borders. The Conservative Party continues to vote against help for the CBSA, against help to secure our borders.

Housing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, just a few days ago, we reinforced and extended our foreign homebuyer ban to make sure that homes in Canada are used by Canadians to live in, not as investment vehicles for foreign entities or foreign owners.

This is part of our broad plan, which invests in more housing, that increases supply and ensures that families are able to afford the future they want to build for their kids in their communities right across the country. We are stepping up on housing. We will continue to do so while the Conservatives have no plan.

Health February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, I am certain that the member for Courtenay—Alberni is not proposing that we work around the outstanding government of the Province of British Columbia. We are working hand in hand with provinces to deliver mental health services across the country with our historic health accords, worth $200 billion, which include significant transfers for mental health and accountability so Canadians can see real results.

We are moving forward and stepping up on making sure that Canadians have proper access to mental health care. We will do it through partnership with the provinces who want to and with clear data from the provinces that are resistant. We need to make sure we are delivering mental health right across the country.

International Trade February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the President of Ukraine asked us for a modernized Ukrainian free trade deal with Canada that would deal with investments, digital services and a range of things that are necessary for Ukraine's reconstruction and recovery from the war.

The Conservative leader yesterday again shamelessly strong-armed his MPs who represent Ukrainian communities to betray them and play straight into Putin's hands.

On this side, the members for Winnipeg South Centre, Etobicoke Centre, Kingston and the Islands, University—Rosedale, Winnipeg South, Markham—Thornhill, Scarborough Southwest, Ahuntsic-Cartierville and the entire Liberal caucus—

Housing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the reality is that Canadians just cannot trust the Conservatives, their attacks and their talking points. Why? Because an active paid lobbyist is the one giving them all the advice on how to win their campaign.

The reality is the big business and money behind the Conservatives is once again driving their agenda as they propose cuts to vulnerable Canadians, underinvestments in housing and no solutions to the very real challenges Canadians are facing. They are in the pockets of big business, as evidenced by Jenni Byrne's work for Loblaws.

Housing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition likes to talk about the challenges Canadians are facing, and while we are busy solving them, he is proposing nonsensical solutions.

Let us talk about the Conservative leader's housing plan. It would not build homes fast enough. It would not reach enough cities. It would create unnecessary bureaucracy. He would also rip up our housing accelerator agreements, which are unlocking half a million new homes, and would put the GST back on apartment construction.

Housing experts like Mike Moffatt say his plan is exceptionally weak and a sign that the “Conservatives don't understand the...scale of the housing crisis.”

We will take no lessons from—

Carbon Pricing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, once again, we heard in a parliamentary committee yesterday absolutely no evidence and no data to support the Leader of the Opposition's contention that the price on pollution impacts grocery prices.

The reality is that our price on pollution returns four times a year more money to 82% of Canadians in the areas where it is in play than it costs them. That is how we can both fight against climate change and put more money into the pockets of Canadians.

The Leader of the Opposition is proposing to take away those four-times-a-year rebate cheques from Canadians.

Automotive Industry February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Laval—Les Îles for his important question and his hard work.

While the Conservative leader does not even believe that climate change is real, we are taking the lead with historic investments in the electrification of our automotive sector and we are investing every day in homegrown talent and ingenuity and in Canadian workers. It is working. Canada is now the world leader in lithium-ion battery manufacturing.

While the Conservative leader would cut these investments, we are proud to invest in Canada and in Canadians.

Carbon Pricing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, Canada is actually reducing its emissions faster than our G7 partners largely because we put a price on pollution.

The Leader of the Opposition wants to make pollution free again. We do not think that is the right path for Canada. We know that investing in reduction of carbon emissions while putting more money back in Canadians' pockets, switching from home heating oil to heat pumps, moving forward in responsible ways as we are investing in supporting Canadians is the way to build a stronger future, but he proposes ideology, cuts and fear tactics.

Carbon Pricing February 7th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the problem with the story the Leader of the Opposition just told is there is absolutely no data to support it. He is all about political attacks. He is all about inventing reasons to not take action on the fight against climate change, because his Conservative Party still does not understand that one cannot have a plan for Canadians' future or the future of the economy if one does not have a plan to fight climate change. Not only are we fighting climate change, we are putting more money back in the pockets of Canadians and building the economy of the future.