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Track Kerry-Lynne

Your Say


Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word is liberals.

Conservative MP for South Surrey—White Rock (B.C.)

Won her last election, in 2021, with 42% of the vote.

Statements in the House

National Defence March 31st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, I wonder if the victims of General Vance would agree with the Prime Minister today. When the ombudsman went to the former defence minister and told him that General Vance was engaged in sexual misconduct and harassment, the former defence minister showed the ombudsman the door. Instead of launching an investigation, as he was obligated to do, the minister told General Vance about his accusations and gave him a raise.

How does the government expect survivors to feel comfortable coming forward with this track record of protecting a perpetrator who has abused his power?

National Defence March 31st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, regarding General Vance, this sad, sick story is not just about his conduct. The ombudsman told the clerk, the minister and the Prime Minister's Office, and collectively they turned a blind eye. Instead of being investigated, charged and disciplined, the general was extended in his post and given a raise.

Instead of removing the minister, the Prime Minister reappointed him to cabinet and supported the cover-up.


Public Services and Procurement March 30th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, on Monday the minister stated that costing is being further refined on the F-35 purchase.

After seven years and $2 billion spent on upgrades of old and used fighter jets, the minister knows that there is nothing to refine in terms of price. As a consortium member, the government has the right to buy the F-35 for the same price as the U.S. government during whatever fiscal year it opts into. The government waited another four months when it knew who won.

Now it is playing for time, saying the price must be refined. Why?

Public Services and Procurement March 28th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, with Ukraine fighting for its life, Canada sent them 50-year-old anti-tank weapons that could blow up in their faces. When the Ukrainians fire next-generation light anti-tank weapons from Great Britain, they yell, “God save the Queen”. When they fire Carl Gustafs from Canada, they must say a prayer.

With the Russian threat to our allies, our Arctic and the war, when will the government go to the open market and buy modern weapons to help protect Ukraine and Canada?

Walter “Wally” Philips March 24th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, today I rise to commemorate the life of my friend Walter “Wally” Philips. The son of Ukrainian immigrants, Wally was born in Saskatchewan before moving to B.C., where he began several careers in his life. He was a fixture in the White Rock community, a fellow Rotarian, former president of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and a dedicated champion of medical rehabilitation programs, mental health and the like. Wally was a passionate community leader and volunteer. He often reached out to me with welcome and wise advice and will be greatly missed by many.

Above all else, Wally was a family man. When his delightful wife Kay passed away, he said it felt like he had lost his right arm. Sadly, his son Alan passed away six days after him.

Wally's legacy will live on through his remaining children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren while he rests peacefully with his brother, sister, son and Kay. He believed they would all be together on the other side, and I have no doubt they are.

Intergovernmental Relations March 22nd, 2022

Mr. Speaker, the NDP has always wavered on its stance with defence treaties such as NATO and NORAD, even going so far as publishing a white paper that made it clear the NDP would pull Canada out of NATO. At a time when Russia has attacked Ukraine, our defence partnerships are now more important than ever.

Does the new NDP-Liberal government intend to uphold its promise to our allies, or will it pull out of NATO as the NDP so clearly wants to do?

Foreign Affairs March 21st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, 11 years after Afghanistan and 158 lives lost, the minister thinks we are convenors, not warriors. I have news for the minister, who should take a look at our Canadian history. The victors at Vimy Ridge, the Hundred Days, Juno Beach, Kapyong and Operation Medusa deserve our admiration and our praise but are forgotten by the government.

Will the minister apologize for her hurtful remarks to the military, to veterans and to the families of our fallen?

Foreign Affairs March 21st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, last week the Minister of Foreign Affairs told CTV that, “Canada is not a nuclear power, it is not a military power. We're a middle-sized power and what we're good at is convening and making sure that diplomacy is happening”, and in so doing, insulted every Canadian who has gone to war for this country or put on its uniform. It is not the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces who are not ready to do their job; it is the minister and the government that are incapable of doing their jobs.

Will the minister apologize to this country's veterans?

National Defence March 2nd, 2022

Mr. Speaker, the fact that the Prime Minister suggests there is no political interference is a little hard to accept.

In any event, we are watching combat in the skies over Ukraine and on the ground in a modern war. Second best in the air and at sea gets people dead. The fighter program for this country has been studied to death. We already know all that we need to know: The competition is at an end, the assessment done and scored.

When will the government just make a decision on a fifth-generation fighter and will it be the F-35?

National Defence March 2nd, 2022

Mr. Speaker, it is time to take seriously Canada's Arctic security and sovereignty. Canada, like Ukraine, shares a border with Russia, which has laid claim to parts of our Arctic. We can no longer afford to take our peace and security for granted.

To better protect our airspace and that of our allies, will the government finally decide to replace our CF-18 fighter jets, and will it select the only true fifth-generation jet remaining in the competition, the F-35?