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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was research.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Nunavut (Nunavut)

Lost her last election, in 2019, with 26% of the vote.

Statements in the House

The Environment February 25th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, it is well-known that the main estimates are exactly that, estimates, and do not represent the entire budget for the department.

Our government will remain committed to strong environmental assessments. In fact, we have increased funding and opportunities for aboriginal consultation and public participation in the environmental assessment process.

The Environment February 23rd, 2015

Mr. Speaker, Canada's approach is generating results. Our economy has grown substantially, while greenhouse gas emissions have decreased. Our per capita emissions are now at their lowest since tracking began in 1990. We have one of the cleanest electricity systems in the world, with 79% of our electricity supply emitting no greenhouse gas emissions. Canada also became the first major coal user to ban the construction of traditional coal-fired electricity generation units.

We will continue to move forward with regulatory measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining job creation and economic growth.

Parks Canada February 20th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, as I stated yesterday, there have been no reductions to Parks Canada's budget. In fact, the overall budget has increased by 26%, and this is in addition to the $391 million we announced in economic action plan 2014 to maintain and upgrade Parks Canada's infrastructure. These investments will ensure that Canadians and visitors are safe and continue to enjoy our country's natural heritage. Our government also launched the national conservation plan last year, which includes new investments.

Parks Canada February 19th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, there have been no reductions in the Parks Canada budget. In fact, the overall budget has increased by 26%. This is in addition to the $391 million we announced in economic action plan 2014 to maintain and upgrade Parks Canada infrastructure. These investments will ensure that Canadians and visitors are safe and continue to enjoy our country's natural heritage.

Our government launched the national conservation plan last year, which includes new investments to secure ecologically sensitive lands, conserve marine and coastal areas, and connect Canadians to nature.

Northern Development February 16th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from Yukon for the hard work he has done in representing his constituents. We will continue to stand up for northerners and all Canadians. While a rich southerner with a trust fund may have no issues with implementing a new carbon tax, we oppose Liberals' reckless policies such as carbon taxes, which would raise the cost of living for northern families. Instead, we are taking concrete action to make life more affordable for northerners. Our tax relief measures include reducing the GST and raising the universal child care benefit, which will put cash directly in the pockets of parents. We will continue to oppose a job-killing carbon tax that would raise the price—

Nothern Development February 4th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, every year our government has made important investments in the north that have improved infrastructure, health care services and broadband services, and the NDP has voted against all these measures.

The Liberal leader recently told northern media that our government had focused too much on improving infrastructure in the north.

I am proud to be part of a government that stands up for northerners and would not impose a carbon tax that would raise the price of things like food, hunting supplies, fuel and so on.

The Environment February 3rd, 2015

Mr. Speaker, our government's record is clear. We have taken decisive action on the environment while protecting our economy. We will continue to implement a sector-by-sector regulatory approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We have already taken action on two of Canada's largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions, the transportation sector and the electricity sector.

Building on these actions, we recently announced that we will be taking action to limit the growth of HFCs, which are the most potent and fastest-growing greenhouse gases in the world.

We are reducing emissions without damaging the economy, which is what the Liberals and NDP would do with a carbon tax.

Sealing Industry February 3rd, 2015

Mr. Speaker, today is a day to celebrate the way of life of northerners. This includes defending the seal hunt, which is at the very heart of the economic well-being of our communities.

Our government has been working with the European Union to negotiate access for Canadian indigenous seal products to the EU markets since the WTO decision of last year.

The seal hunt not only provides a livelihood for our families but also enables Inuit to maintain their traditional way of life.

Our government will continue to stand up for northerners and all Canadians to support this important industry in Canada and abroad.

The Environment February 2nd, 2015

Mr. Speaker, our government has made responsible resource development a priority. We have made significant investments and progress since we launched the joint implementation panel for the oil sands monitoring with Alberta. More areas are being monitored. There is more frequent sampling, and more contaminants are being examined. This is a transparent public process which has some of Canada's top scientists involved. Our government will continue to support Canadian jobs while protecting the environment.

Taxation January 30th, 2015

Mr. Speaker, our government is lowering taxes and providing money directly to Canadian families with the family tax cut and enhanced universal child care benefit.

However, the Liberals and the NDP want to impose a carbon tax on hard-working Canadians. This tax would be very harmful to northerners, raising the price of things like groceries and fuel where the cost of living is already very high.

I am proud to be part of a government that is standing up for Canada's north. We will continue to do so by opposing the reckless job-killing carbon tax.