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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is chair.

Liberal MP for Nickel Belt (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 35% of the vote.

A month ago

Voted Yes on Vote #847 on Bill C-69 Implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 16, 2024

Voted No on Vote #848 on Bill C-65 Amend the Canada Elections

Voted Yes on Vote #849 on Bill C-65 Amend the Canada Elections

Voted Yes on Vote #850 Private Members' Business M-109 (Instruction to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs (amendments to the Standing …

Voted No on Vote #851 on Bill C-323 Amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)

Spoke at the Official Languages committee on Federal Funding for Minority-Language Post-Secondary Institutions Mr. Godin claims to follow the rules at all times, but in the article in House of Commons Procedure and Practice, which we follow, it clearly …

Spoke in the House on Carbon Pricing Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I have met regularly with Canadians and their families who are struggling to pay their bills. The member for Regina—Qu'Appelle never …

Spoke in the House on Persons with Disabilities Mr. Speaker, first, I want to the thank the member for Kitchener Centre for his continued advocacy on behalf of persons with disabilities. We are on …

Spoke in the House on Climate Change Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the member for Saanich—Gulf Islands for her years of advocacy on these issues. I want to be clear: Our government …

Spoke in the House on Workers Memorial Day Mr. Speaker, in June 1984, a seismic event struck northeastern Ontario, leading to the devastating collapse of Falconbridge Mine in my riding of Nickel Belt. The …

Two months ago

Spoke at the Status of Women committee on Response to the Call for Public Comment on the Breast Cancer (Update) … Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you to all. I echo what was said earlier. I've been here on the status of women committee now for seven …

Spoke at the Canadian Heritage committee on Hockey Canada’s Involvement in Alleged Sexual Assaults Committed in 2018 and Bill … Thank you, Mr. Chair. Amendment BQ‑7 requires the minister to enter into a specific arrangement with the Government of Quebec regarding the Court Challenges Program. I …

Spoke at the Official Languages committee on Committee Business Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Mr. Godin. Yes, I was obviously trying to draw a parallel. I agree that Mr. Drouin's comments are unacceptable, but …

Spoke in the House on Northern Ontario Economic Development Mr. Speaker, I am proud to represent northern Ontario, a region that is stronger because of its francophone communities, diversity and beautiful landscapes. FedNor plays a …

Spoke at the Official Languages committee on Annual Report 2023-24 of the Commissioner of Official Languages In response to a question from Ms. Ashton, you mentioned the importance of the court challenges program, which Bill C-316 would maintain. Based on the challenges …

Spoke at the Canadian Heritage committee on Bill C-316 The amendment is fairly straightforward: It aims to ensure compliance with Bill C‑13, which, among other things, deals with modernizing the Official Languages Act. Earlier, that …

Spoke at the Official Languages committee on Economic Development of Official Language Minority Communities Thank you, Mr. Chair. I thank Ms. Ashton for her comments. I am reaching out to her. That is precisely our goal: to move forward with …

Spoke in the House on Mining Industry Mr. Speaker, in a recent Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities conference, community leaders came together to unite on how to continue unlocking the north's potential. This ...

Spoke at the Canadian Heritage committee on Bill C-316 At the end, where you have “the Government of Canada”, we'd add: and whose purpose is to provide funding for test cases of national significance to ...

Three months ago

Spoke in the House on Carbon Pricing Madam Speaker, let us listen to another expert. The former Conservative prime minister of the U.K., Boris Johnson, came to Canada to teach the Conservative Party ...

Spoke in the House on Oil and Gas Industry Madam Speaker, the oil and gas sector must pay its fair share. The sector is making record profits and needs to invest in reducing emissions. We ...