Madam Speaker, I am very proud to rise today to support Bill C-33.
I have listened for some time now to both sides of the argument. I have listened to some exaggerations sometimes on both sides. However, when we get right down to the essential facts of the issue we have to accept that it is clearly a human rights issue. There is no other way of looking at it.
We can look at every aspect of it. If we look at the provinces we see that most have already adopted this measure in their human rights acts. It has existed for 20 years in Quebec and for 10 years in Ontario. It has not changed the interpretation of adoption in those provinces. In the Ontario legislature it had to be introduced as a separate bill which was defeated at that time. Therefore the courts have not used this section as a way of interpreting spousal benefit, adoption, marital status or whatever. It has nothing whatever to do with that. It strictly deals with discrimination, plain and simple.
Many of us have in our lifetimes experienced discrimination. Those people who have never had to deal with it have no idea what it does to a person's sense of self-respect, self-being and the ability to continue on with their lives. I have experienced some of that in my lifetime. I come from a community where at the time that kind of discrimination was meted out. There are many other groups that still deal with that daily.
As a country, we are proud to deal with minorities. We have always said we must protect minorities, otherwise we have no democracy. If it is strictly a rule of the majority then there is no democracy.
This issue does not deal with pedophilia, as some people are suggesting. Pedophilia is a crime. To suggest this bill does anything but give people basic human rights is distorting the facts. We can distort and misrepresent people's statements all we want but the facts will not change no matter which way we look at it. We can read people's statements and misinterpret and misrepresent them but that does not change the fact that this is a basic issue of human rights and nothing else.
We talk about families. All the amendments refer in one way or another to the traditional family and how this is to affect family structure. I defy anyone to tell me exactly what the perfect family is. Some of my colleagues will say it is husband, wife, children, perhaps adopted, and maybe pets. However, we have single mothers, single fathers, older siblings raising younger siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents raising children. We have all kinds of family structures.
We also have children who go from one divorce to another where the parent may have divorced two or three times. We have families from which someone has been abandoned. We have families in which there is abuse and the children must be taken away. We have a majority of good families, but family is a term that basically means a place where children are nurtured, looked after and raised with love, attention and stimulation.
I have risen in the House many times to talk about issues like child poverty, child care and assisting parents with their children so that we do not have situations such as the one mentioned recently in the Toronto Star in which a mother left her five-year-old to look after a two-year-old in the library. Or another in which an eleven-year old was at home looking after two younger siblings because the mother was working. They are locked in the home after school hours. There are many cases of latch key kids in society.
That to me is a moral issue. A society that does not make children its priority, does not ensure the development of the children both emotionally and nutritionally is protected, is hindering the future of those children. That is a moral issue.
We do not have enough discussions about that. I do not hear a great deal of uproar and indignation about those issues in the House. I would like to hear members opposite talk about how we might eradicate child poverty in Canada, how we might address the fact that children are living on the streets and that education is being cut back in Ontario and in Alberta. These are moral issues. I do not hear any member opposite standing up and fighting for those issues. Instead I hear fearmongering on the issue of rights.
I learned the other day that South Africa has a new constitution and a new bill of rights. Guess what? South Africa has written into its bill of rights sexual orientation without any qualifiers. South Africa not too long ago practised apartheid, which we fought by boycott. South Africa has acknowledged before we have basic human rights in its society, a very interesting twist.
With respect to these changes we have heard talk about crime, pedophilia and all kinds of horrible things, and spousal benefits and whatever else. If anyone looked at the history of Canada, what has happened in the provinces, what has happened in Supreme Court decisions before this, that has not been the case. We cannot make legislation on the basis of prejudice. We have to make legislation to protect minorities. As a society that is the only way we can move ahead and ensure we have a society which reflects in its every day actions tolerance and respect for one another and which protects its minorities.
I have no problem whatsoever supporting this legislation. To me it is a basic issue of human rights. It has nothing whatever to do with moral issues. There are many other moral issues on which I wish to spend my time and for which I wish to fight so we can enter the 21st century having eradicated child poverty. We must deal with the very issues on which members opposite are talking. We must strengthen individuals within society.
When we talk about family we keep forgetting that gay and lesbians come from families. They are people's children. They have not just appeared out of thin air. They are children of heterosexual couples. I am sure they are loved and supported by their parents. We are not inventing these people. This is not a choice.
I dare anyone in the House to tell me that being lesbian or gay is a matter of choice. If it were a choice, why would anyone choose to be discriminated against, to be abused, to be attacked physically and to commit suicide because life is so difficult? Why would they choose such a tortuous way to live when they could easily choose another, much easier way to live? It is not a choice.
The legislation must address that issue. We have to deal with basic human rights in Canada. I am very proud to stand here to say I support the legislation. I hope other members of the House will find it within themselves to deal with the realities and be generous enough to acknowledge the realities and to support the bill as well.