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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was public.

Last in Parliament March 2011, as Liberal MP for Etobicoke—Lakeshore (Ontario)

Lost his last election, in 2011, with 35% of the vote.

Statements in the House

The Environment June 4th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, we stay on message by reading the message.

Instead of demonstrating leadership, the government is trying to water down its global action plan.

The Environment June 4th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, this week, the world's most industrialized nations will take up the challenge of climate change or choose complacency and abandonment. Canada should be ensuring that failure is not an option, but the Prime Minister is working to make sure failure is the only option.

The science is clear. Action is urgently needed. Why is this government choosing abandonment rather than leadership?

Government Policies May 31st, 2007

Mr. Speaker, we can all play these silly games about who is the better Canadian. If they seriously believe that someone who has contributed to this country outside and come back to Canada is less of a Canadian, they should get up and say that to two million Canadians who live and work overseas.

Government Policies May 31st, 2007

Mr. Speaker--

Government Policies May 31st, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I cannot remember the Prime Minister's service record.

On Sunday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs foolishly called for the Russians to return to Afghanistan. He is the one responsible for our diplomacy.

On Tuesday, the Minister of International Cooperation declared that the Afghan people do not eat flour. She is the woman responsible for development.

This week, the Minister of National Defence has stumbled from one mistake to the other. He is the man responsible for defence.

Is it not time that the Prime Minister brought this triple crown of incompetence to an end?

Canadian Forces May 30th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, the family did exactly as they were told by DND. The minister has to accept this responsibility.

The most troubling aspect of this situation is that the Minister of National Defence chose to blame his officials rather than accepting responsibility. The soldiers' families deserve much better than that.

Will the Prime Minister immediately ask for the resignation of this disgraced minister?

Canadian Forces May 30th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, if that were true, why is it that the Dinning family had to come to Ottawa to hold a press conference in the first place? A very private family had to go public on the unpaid funeral expenses of their son so that no other family would go through what they have suffered, that is, sending bills to a government that would not even take the trouble to reply and having to listen to a minister question the integrity of the family in the House of Commons.

Will the Prime Minister ensure that no mother and no family suffers this again? Will he take the first step and fire the Minister of National Defence?

The Environment May 29th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, a UN report concluded that the global temperature rise must be limited to two degrees to avoid huge shortages of drinking water and the extinction of innumerable species.

The Minister of the Environment was very pleased with this report. But the United States is opposed to the two degree commitment contained in the G-8 declaration.

Will this government clearly support this commitment or will it continue to say one thing and do another?

The Environment May 29th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, four months ago, the Prime Minister was asked whether Canada would participate in the next round of UN talks on a global action plan for global climate change. He said then that Canada would be there and that “this is a serious environmental problem that needs immediate action”.

Now it is the moment of truth. The U.S. is seeking to gut this call for action from the forthcoming G-8 declaration.

Will the Prime Minister tell the House today whether Canada will support a call by the G-8 for an urgent action plan or was the last declaration just empty rhetoric?

The Environment May 28th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, that is with a baseline of 2005 instead of 1990.

According to the Minister of the Environment, Canada should not put any pressure on the United States at the next G-8 summit. That is ridiculous.

The United States is against the Kyoto protocol, against long term targets and against a global action plan.

The Bush administration is standing in the way and Canada stands by in silence.

Why is the Prime Minister refusing to support the calls of the other G-8 partners for a global action plan?