House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was rcmp.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Montarville (Québec)

Lost his last election, in 2019, with 36% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Science and Technology December 3rd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, live long and prosper. Space is the final frontier and pushes the limits of what is possible.

Canada's involvement in science and space exploration benefits us all. Canadian astronauts are true modern-day explorers who inspire young Canadians who are interested in studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Could the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development tell us about Canada's participation in the International Space Station?

Committees of the House October 31st, 2018

Mr. Speaker, as a side note, I want to say that I had the privilege of studying under Mr. Dion's father in university, and I then had the privilege of working with Stéphane.

I met the ambassador in Germany twice and have worked with him, so I know how hard he works and what an asset he is to our country in Europe. I am very disappointed to see that members keep talking about administrative procedures and are resorting to mudslinging and antagonism. They refuse to recognize Mr. Dion's accomplishments and expertise. We recognize Ambassador Dion's expertise, as we do with everyone we promote.

Public Safety October 31st, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I am very concerned about fraud, especially phone scams, which are proliferating in Canada and becoming more and more sophisticated. It has gotten very hard for Canadians to tell the difference between legitimate calls and fraudulent ones. A recently aired documentary revealed that call centres in India are targeting Canadian citizens.

Would the Prime Minister tell the House what the government is doing to protect them?

50th Anniversary of the Saint-Basile-le-Grand Women's Organization October 25th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, next Friday, the Cercle de fermières de Saint-Basile-le-Grand will celebrate its 50th anniversary. This women's organization will celebrate 50 years of work improving the living conditions of women and families and promoting our cultural and artisanal heritage.

This organization enables the women of Saint-Basile-le-Grand and the surrounding area to share knowledge and expertise in weaving, knitting, embroidery and sewing, and it gives them the opportunity to participate in provincial fibre art competitions. Since the next generation is a priority for this organization, it even offers a craft program for young people in our community.

Altruistic by nature, the members of the Cercle des fermières make clothes for hospitals and shelters to bring a little comfort into the lives of those who need it most.

I have had the pleasure of meeting the members of this organization on several occasions and each time I am amazed by their dedication to our community.

2831 Mont-Bruno Cadet Corps October 3rd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, teamwork, self-confidence, leadership and civic-mindedness are juts a few of the traits we want to impart to our youth, our leaders of tomorrow. I want to thank 2831 Mont-Bruno Cadet Corps, which seeks to do just that. For 50 years now, the corps has been engaging young people aged 12 to 18 in athletic, educational and outdoor survival activities.

In 1970, the forward-thinking 2831 Mont-Bruno Cadet Corps became the first in Quebec to allow girls to join the cadet corps. That initiative was made possible thanks to the dedication of Major Robert Whitelaw, Captain Lucien Lussier and Lieutenants Gilles Blais, Yvon Bourgon, Jean-Louis Nadeau, Raymond Bellemare and Raymond Loubier.

I commend the legacy of the founders of 2831 Mont-Bruno Cadet Corps and applaud their hard work.

German Heritage Month October 2nd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, as the chair of the Canada-Germany Interparliamentary Group, I am pleased to point out that October is German Heritage Month.

The relations between our two countries are diversified and intense. For example, our commercial trades are as important as the ones with France and Great Britain.

However, Germany is more than just a trading partner. It is an ally that shares our democratic values of equality and social justice.

Numerous discussions and consultations in that regard, particularly in relation to immigration, show the extent to which our concerns align.

[Member spoke in German]

Business of Supply October 2nd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the member partly answered the question when he mentioned that we have the best public servants and specialists to deal with this case, which is exactly why we let these individuals take care of this file.

There is always a temptation to let politics get in the way in a case like this, but because of the multiple dimensions of this case, we need people on the ground who know their business to properly advise the minister. The minister was right to leave the decision in the hands of those who know the case best.

Business of Supply October 2nd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for acknowledging the delicate and emotional nature of this matter and for seeking to work together to have common sense prevail. Sometimes common sense is overshadowed by interpretations that are not based on our system in place.

I understand what my my colleague is asking. To better respond to his request and to more effectively achieve the objectives we want on both sides, we put our trust in those who are on the ground, the experts and the people working on these issues every day, in particular the officials and the elders, who understand the emotional and cultural dimensions and, above all, the fact that this falls under the rule of law that governs us.

It is in light of this review that we will be able to see whether the decision was made properly and, if not, whether we can improve a situation that needs to be changed.

Business of Supply October 2nd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, before I begin, I would like to inform you that I will be sharing my time with the member for Scarborough—Guildwood.

I rise today to talk about the transfer of an offender from one Correctional Service of Canada facility to another. The transfer in question has outraged many Canadians, the media and, especially, the victim's family, who have expressed concerns over this development.

Our government has heard these concerns and empathizes with those affected, in particular the victim's family. This is why the Minister of Public Safety asked the commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada last week to conduct a comprehensive review of the transfer. Two highly qualified senior officials from the department and an esteemed member of the indigenous community will conduct this review. Their objective is to determine whether the decision to transfer this offender was in line with CSC's policies and procedures. The review will also identify potential policy amendments or changes.

Our government recognizes the impact these decisions can have on victims' families, and we certainly do not take these matters lightly. However, we also recognize the importance of allowing Correctional Service of Canada professionals to do their work without political interference so they can carry out their mandate to keep Canadian communities safe by means of the appropriate incarceration, effective rehabilitation, and proper reintegration of federally sentenced offenders.

Our government was elected almost three years ago on a campaign platform that included a promise to take a thoughtful, evidence-based approach to the exercise of power. That is why we believe correctional service professionals in the public service should be responsible for making the decisions they are in the best position to make. Our government has decided to conduct a comprehensive review of the facts of the case and will ensure that the offender was transferred in accordance with CSC's policies and procedures.

Given that this is an emotionally charged file and that there is a great deal of misinformation going around, I would like to take the time that I have left to set the record straight about the healing lodge in question. The Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge is in a remote region on the Nekaneet first nation 32 kilometres from the nearest village, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan. The healing lodge opened its doors in 1995 as a multi-level institution managed by the Correctional Service of Canada. No female offender has escaped from there in the past decade.

As is the case in every Correctional Service of Canada facility, static and dynamic security measures are in place to ensure the safety of the staff, the offenders, and the general public. Cameras are strategically placed inside the institution and on the grounds, and the images are monitored at all times by security staff. The staff are equipped to employ intrusive and non-intrusive search methods, such as regular searches of the offenders' units and common areas, strip searches, inspections with the help of ion mobility spectrometers, and urinalyses.

The healing lodge has a search plan in place, and staff conduct daily searches of the facility and offenders. Staff also conduct regular security patrols throughout the day and night. The facility is also equipped with alarm systems to notify staff when an offender leaves her unit outside of normal hours. Furthermore, an interdisciplinary team of correctional officers, health professionals and other front-line staff, including elders, ensure that any behavioural changes in offenders is recorded, assessed and managed appropriately.

Correctional Service of Canada officials are continually evaluating offenders' behaviour and the risk they present, and a transfer is initiated only when an offender can no longer be managed at the healing lodge. Transfers are an important part of the Correctional Service of Canada's capacity to manage federal inmates, as well as an important tool in properly discharging the service's mandate, which is to support the effective rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders.

I want to emphasize, once again, that the Correctional Service of Canada regularly assesses the risks offenders present in order to assign an appropriate security classification.

Our government has asked the Correctional Service of Canada to review the case in question. We will ensure compliance with all laws and policies throughout the process.

The government wants to establish a culture of continuous self-reflection. In addition, it will ensure that all policies and practices are based on sound evidence, are kept up to date and take into account an ever-changing environment.

Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville Arts Circuit September 18th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, artists are an important part of our society. They define our popular culture and spark our collective imagination. They give us the opportunity to escape the every day with their thought-provoking, emotional, spiritual and sometimes even political creations.

Artists are visionaries who reflect the many faces of our society. They give us the opportunity to explore our world through poetry, painting, sculpture, music, theatre, and many more mediums. That is why I would like to invite the people of Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville and its surrounding areas to attend the 11th Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville arts circuit on September 22 and 23.

This activity is organized by the Association des artistes peintres affiliés de la Rive-Sud and it allows art lovers to discover our community's artistic diversity while touring my town. Come see the creations of 31 talented artists and participate in some of the 15 creative workshops that will be available.