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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is quebec.

Liberal MP for Honoré-Mercier (Québec)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 60% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Health November 21st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, as we know, the Prime Minister of Canada and the Premier of Quebec had an excellent meeting. It is easier for parties to agree when they act in good faith and want to collaborate. That is the case for both levels of government.

I will say it: The Bloc Québécois is trying to pick a fight, whereas we are trying to collaborate. While the Bloc Québécois is being difficult, we are looking for solutions.

Taxation November 17th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, there are some things that are natural, some things that go without saying and some things that just go together, like the words “Conservative” and “cuts”, “Conservative” and “austerity”, and even “Conservative” and “lack of compassion”.

However, putting the words “Conservative” and “fight against poverty” together takes some doing. It is a bit of a stretch. It is like picturing a member of the Bloc Québécois getting up in the morning and singing O Canada while ironing the clothes they tore in a fit of outrage the day before. We can imagine it, but we do not believe it is possible.

Infrastructure November 17th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, this is not the first time that my colleague has used inappropriate language. I invite him to be cautious when using certain words.

We work very well with Quebec. With regard to infrastructure, we are making progress on many projects. We have made progress on day care, health, housing, high-speed Internet and the fight against homelessness. We will continue to work with Quebec. We will continue to support Quebec, no matter what the Bloc Québécois thinks. Even if he does not like it, we will continue to work with Quebec.

The Economy November 17th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, we have lifted 450,000 children out of poverty. That is not some random number. These are children, human beings. The Government of Canada is taking concrete steps to shape Canada's future, whereas the Conservatives have never set goals or even expressed the intention to do anything to fight poverty.

I spent seven years on the opposition benches watching them cut program after program.

Taxation November 17th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, the government is there for our families and will always be there for our families. We understand their challenges and their needs.

It is somewhat strange to hear the Conservatives talk about this. Let us not forget that when they were in government, they made cuts to culture, veterans' funding, employment insurance and just about everything else.

They are a little self-conscious today, but if they were being honest, perhaps they would tell us where they would cut.

Would their cuts impact our children, our seniors, our families, employment insurance, workers or health care? Where would they cut?

Climate Change November 15th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, there is a limit to how much a party can contradict itself. The Conservatives keep saying that we are doing too much, that we should not put a price on pollution, that we should not be so ambitious on the environment, but now they are telling us that we are not doing enough. The Conservatives have no credibility whatsoever when it comes to climate change. There are limits, even for them, when it comes to talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Health November 14th, 2022

Mr. Speaker, I find the Bloc Québécois's questions interesting because the Bloc Québécois just came out of its party convention 48 hours ago. They just got together for a party.

The main conclusion of the Bloc Québécois's convention is that they must use every forum and every opportunity to try to convince Quebeckers of the need to form a country. That is their priority.

When the Bloc Québécois tells us that they listen to Quebeckers, it would be nice if they actually did it for once.

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship November 3rd, 2022

Mr. Speaker, it is unfortunate that, for the Bloc Québécois, immigrants are reduced to numbers, statistics and percentages. We are talking about men, women and children.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: Quebec already has full authority to welcome as many immigrants as it wants, all of them francophone, if it wants.

I have a question for the Bloc. If Quebec welcomes 70,000 people who speak French, 70,000 francophones, how many will require French language lessons?

Public Services and Procurement November 1st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, my colleague talked about families in Quebec. What those families need is government support. They need benefits for children, they need child care, they need support for workers. The Government of Canada has given them all of that.

I am curious as to where the Conservatives would cut. In technical terms, this is their “chop, chop, chop” strategy. What would they cut?

Taxation November 1st, 2022

Mr. Speaker, I will give some other examples. What is happening in the area of culture? What is being done for our artists and creators? Instead of helping culture by supporting Bill C-11, the Conservatives are blocking the bill in the Senate. Once again, instead of defending our culture, our music and our television programs, the Conservatives are repeating the web giants' messages. For once, instead of repeating the rhetoric of Facebook and the web giants, the Conservatives should stand up for Canadians.