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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was project.

Last in Parliament September 2021, as Liberal MP for Sudbury (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2019, with 41% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Natural Resources May 10th, 2019

Madam Speaker, as I said, we are focused on getting this process done in the right way, certainly ignoring any advice from the Conservatives, because we know they failed for 10 years to get any new pipelines built to new markets.

Canadians need to be reassured that this process is being followed in the right way. We have teams on the ground, we are doing meaningful consultations, and we have basically ensured that on the environmental side we have conditions and recommendations that we are following. That is what Canadians have confidence in. That is what we are focused on.

Natural Resources May 10th, 2019

Madam Speaker, after 10 years of inaction under Stephen Harper, 99% of our oil exports were still being sent to the United States. The Conservatives had 10 years to expand global markets, and they failed.

The Conservatives continue to put politics over the process. We remain committed to the right process, and that is what we are focused on.

Natural Resources May 10th, 2019

Madam Speaker, the member very well knows that we approved Line 3 and we also supported Keystone XL. On TMX, we are moving forward in the right way.

The Conservatives do not want to listen to the courts. They do not want to have meaningful dialogue with indigenous people.

In order to do this right, we need to do the hard work, which is what we are doing. We have eight teams on the ground right now. We are doing our phase III consultation. We are basically looking forward to June 18 to make a final decision on how to move forward in the right way.

Natural Resources May 10th, 2019

Madam Speaker, we will take no advice from the Conservative Party on how to move forward in the right way.

We followed the court's direction. We know that meaningful dialogue with indigenous peoples is a fundamental obligation on our part and not a suggestion. We believe in protecting our environment, and at the same time we are moving forward in the right way.

We are following the path forward. Canadians expect us to get it right, and that is what we are focused on.

Natural Resources May 10th, 2019

Madam Speaker, with TMX, we are following the course of action recommended by the Federal Court of Appeal. At the same time, we are holding constructive, meaningful consultations with indigenous communities along the pipeline route. Our teams are working on the ground. Justice Iacobucci organized round tables on possible formats for the consultations, and the Minister of Natural Resources continues to meet with communities living along the route.

The Conservative members voted to slash funding for the TMX consultations. We are working hard every day to move forward in the right way.

Forestry Industry May 3rd, 2019

Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the member for his hard work. I recognize as well that professional foresters were the early environmentalists. That is why our government is supporting a competitive and sustainable forest sector. We are investing nearly $23 million to help FPInnovations, Canada's premier forest sector research institute, to diversify markets and reduce emissions.

While our government is growing the forestry economy and protecting the environment, the Conservatives in Ontario are making reckless cuts to emergency forest firefighting and tree planting programs. These cuts will hurt people, hurt jobs and take us backwards in the fight against climate change.

We will continue to invest in this very important sector.

Natural Resources May 3rd, 2019

Mr. Speaker, when it comes to the Trans Mountain pipeline, we are focused on getting the process right and doing this in the right way. We have informed communities engaged in the phase III consultations that we have until June 18 to bring the consultations to a respectful conclusion and make a decision on TMX.

The Conservatives voted to de-fund and shelve the TMX process. We know we owe it to Canadians to get this process right.

Natural Resources May 3rd, 2019

Mr. Speaker, as the member very well knows, we have approved the Line 3 replacement project for the pipeline, and we support Keystone XL.

We are also making sure that we are moving forward in the right way on TMX, something the Conservatives do not understand. The rule of law is something they do not respect. Meaningful engagement with indigenous peoples is something they never even think about.

For us, making sure that we move forward in the right way and in a responsible way is what Canadians expect.

Eye Level Oratacular Speech Contest May 3rd, 2019

Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise today in the House to talk about an incredible young girl from my riding of Sudbury.

Daniela Grottoli, a grade 5 student at R. L. Beattie Public School, took part in the Eye Level Oratacular speech contest and won one of four gold medals in North America.

This year's subject was about one thing she could change in the world. Originally, her speech was to be about gender parity, but while she was at the grocery store, she was inspired by another subject. She decided to talk about eliminating hunger. She said, “It is sad to think of even one child going to bed hungry. To know millions will is heartbreaking. We need to do better. Everybody deserves to eat.” I could not agree with her more.

Daniela's public-speaking journey is far from done as she has been invited to take part in the Eye Level Model UN Camp in South Korea this August.

Not only does Daniela make Sudbury proud, but she makes Canada proud. I agree with her that we need to do better to eliminate hunger.

Sudbury Lady Wolves Hockey Team April 9th, 2019

Mr. Speaker, I rise today as a proud father and former coach to congratulate the Sudbury Lady Wolves Midget AA hockey team for winning the gold medal at the Ontario provincial championships this past weekend. The Lady Wolves finished the tournament with a perfect 6-0 record, besting the Stoney Creek Sabres in the finals.

However, the Lady Wolves had already punched their ticket to participate at the national championships as the hosts of the Esso Cup. From April 21 to 27, the Sudbury Lady Wolves will be hosting the Stoney Creek Sabres, the St. Albert Slash of the Pacific Region, the Saskatoon Stars of the West Region and the Halifax Fire of the Atlantic Region.

The team that will represent Quebec at the Esso Cup will be revealed this weekend.

I thank the coaching staff for a great season and the girls for making us so proud.

Go, Wolves, go.