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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was forces.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Central Nova (Nova Scotia)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 57% of the vote.

Statements in the House

An Act to Authorize the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments June 21st, 2005

Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise to take part in the debate that really boils down to what could only be described as a prop up NDP add-on budget to the Minister of Finance's original plans which included none of the back of the napkin spending spree that is outlined in this particular document.

The legislation was not dreamed up in the staid boardrooms of the finance department. It was cooked up in a hotel room between the Prime Minister and the leader of the NDP, high on his own new found power as a king maker.

In contrast, my colleague, the member of Parliament for Medicine Hat, has presented Canadians with an eloquently outlined and hopeful vision of how the Conservative Party would move Canada's finances forward. It would include a competitive and productive effort to bring Canada forward, striving for national potential with an invigorated, motivated youth who would have a place to work and participate in the economy, and having programs that were compassionate, forward looking and focussed on prosperity. As my colleague from Medicine Hat has said many times, a prosperous nation is a country that can generate wealth that can then be a generous nation.

We want to provide citizens with a better quality of life and Canadians should look to their government to be able to help them in that regard, to find a job anywhere in the country, and find a job in their home town should they stay and be with their families. What is more fundamental than being with your loved ones?

We want every young Canadian to have the ability to go to university without graduating with a huge debt that is the equivalent of a mortgage. We should be the most educated and most forward looking intellectual country in the world. We have the capacity to achieve that goal.

We want Canadians to be able to start a business if they want, to prosper in their communities, and to participate fully in the economy. Canadians want to succeed and Conservatives want to help them do just that because success should be celebrated. Holding Canadians back is what is happening under the current regime. It is holding Canadians back because of repressive and regressive tax structures. There are punishing payroll taxes. Having the basic personal exemption raised would remove many Canadians from the tax rolls altogether.

We want people to have quality health care. We want Canadians to have the assurances that they will be comfortable and taken care of in their retirement. Nobody is more responsible for the abysmal failure of our health care system than the current Prime Minister. In his capacity as finance minister, he presided over the country's finances for over 10 years, was responsible for brutal cuts that drastically led to the deterioration of health care in Canada.

Canadians want to have the ability to work within this current process. They want to work under the Canada Health Act but they clearly need to move in a direction of innovation. There clearly has to be greater input from the health care providers, the provinces and from those on the front lines of health care delivery.

We want to ensure that the tax structure is fair. Tax relief is very much about improving competition, improving the job market, and improving the ability of companies to employ thousands of Canadians. That was a priority because it appeared in the first budget, but this add-on budget very much neglects that element of the economy. We have too many hardworking, overtaxed Canadians who again are being held back.

Bill C-48 is but one page. It contains three clauses. It would spend $4.6 billion without any plan or detail. It would be an abysmal and irresponsible free-for-all spending orgy, like the sponsorship program, the long gun registry, and like the irresponsible and unaccountable spending in the HRDC department.

Bill C-48 is not a firm commitment. It will not even take effect for a year and a half if, I am quick to add, there is a surplus. It is a pie in the sky throne speech promissory note that will not take effect for at least a year and a half. The NDP clearly tried to exact as much as it possibly could from the government in its negotiations to prop it up. The NDP budget is something that will promote irresponsible spending without a plan.

Conservatives are behind the goals presented in the bill. We are behind better education, cleaning up our environment and ensuring adequate housing. We support helping poor nations as part of our commitment to the betterment of the global village. In terms of foreign aid as a percentage of our GDP, that is part of our platform for the coming election.

Let us not forget that it was a Conservative prime minister who was recently voted the greenest prime minister ever in the history of Canada by the Sierra Club and Elizabeth May.

As I said before, what we are opposed to is spending without a plan. This is what led to the problems we have seen in many of the programs that have gone out of control. We oppose raising expectations of individuals who assume naturally that a government would not make these commitments without having a concrete plan behind it.

Bill C-48 is a case in point. It is costly, insubstantial and it is a throwaway commitment that likely will never be met. The promises contained in the bill will only happen if there is a surplus.

Like the mythical story of Jack and the Magic Beans , I think the NDP is left with nothing more than a handful of beans, anything but a concrete commitment in terms of budgetary items.

Is there any possibility that the surplus will not be there and not be adequate to cover these expenditures? Well, time will tell. We are living in volatile times and the economy can take downturns, as we have seen, God forbid. We know the Liberals cannot resist this type of spending though. It burns holes in their pockets.

Since 1999-2000, program spending has gone from $109.6 billion to $158.1 billion, an increase of 44.3%. In contrast, the growth in our economy has been 31.6%, a compound annual growth rate of 5.6%. The economy is not keeping pace with the government's spending practices.

I spoke earlier about the tax implications. Trade is also a big implication. The dollar and the debt to GDP ratio and the interest on our debt that remains so high. The Liberals are dealing away their problems. They are throwing money at problems hoping they will go away. That is the case with health care, with law and order and with our military. This type of approach is not in the best interests of Canadians. It is not in keeping with fiscal management. It is not in keeping with accountability in this place.

The Conservative Party has a responsibility to rigorously examine these spending practices, and that is what we are doing. Despite the massive funding that is committed in Bill C-48, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness told my colleague from Yorkton—Melville that in 2004 the Canada Firearms Centre lost track of at least 46,000 licensed gun owners. This could have drastic consequences for police officers responding to a call where they believe no gun is present.

This is the type of inefficiency and waste in these types of programs that have ballooned in its spending and they do not work in the best interests of Canadians and take money away from other priority areas where it would have a more profound impact. It is about priorities.

With respect to national unity, let us take the sponsorship program where someone paid commissions to Liberal friendly ad agencies to promote unity. It was done through such means as putting up flags and banners but the money was then funnelled back to the Liberal Party through the sponsorship program. Well, as the former prime minister said, what is a few million when it comes to saving the country? How delusional and disingenuous.

This network of kickbacks, of money laundering and now the cover-up leaves Canadians with a very sordid image of government spending. However it is the Liberal Party. It is not Quebec and it is not all bureaucrats. It is the systemic corruption that runs through the Liberal Party that spawned the sponsorship scandal. It was a taxpayer funded program that was going for partisan purposes, mainly in the province of Quebec.

Let us just imagine the taxpayer funded lawyers working for the Department of Justice arguing that the current and former prime ministers should be completely exonerated of all responsibility for this disastrous program that is under criminal investigation. What happened to the mantra of “let Mr. Justice Gomery do his work?” That of course is a thing of the past when it comes to the partisan interests forwarded by our current Prime Minister. How disingenuous.

Clause 2 of Bill C-48 also deals with money for public transit and an energy retrofit program for low income housing. It talks about enhancing access to post-secondary education to benefit, among others, aboriginal Canadians. It talks about affordable housing and increased foreign aid. Those are all laudable goals, but again, no plan and many of them fall within provincial jurisdiction.

Where is the accountability? How will we ensure that the expenditures of this money are actually committed to? The lack of a plan, the expected results and the lack of details of delivery characterize the minority government. It is similar to the institutional day care plan that was promised by the government without any details. It does not fit the diversity of the country.

Bill C-48 would authorize the establishment of an absolutely out of control type of spending that the Conservative Party cannot support, which is why moved amendments that would have improved the process. Canadians deserve better than blank cheques. In its desperate attempts to cling to power, the government appears willing to do just about anything. Canadians need a blueprint for the future, and that is what the Conservative Party would provide.

Survivor Education Benefits Act June 20th, 2005

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-413, An Act respecting education benefits for spouses and children of certain deceased public safety officers.

Mr. Speaker, this is a bill I believe that would be considered a very compassionate one and one that I believe most Canadians and all members of Parliament should be quick to embrace.

It is an act respecting education benefits for spouses and children of certain deceased public safety officers. It would permit the minister, in most cases the Minister of Public Security and Emergency Preparedness, to grant an education benefit of a financial nature to a surviving spouse or children of public safety officers who die from injuries received or illnesses contracted in the discharge of their duties.

The bill is very much aimed at helping grieving widows, spouses and children of those killed in the line of duty. I would hope that all members would very much support this bill.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

Criminal Code June 20th, 2005

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-412, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (keeping child pornography in a manner that is not reasonably secure from access by others).

Mr. Speaker, this is again aimed very much at the protection of children and keeping pornography secure from all access.

The bill would amend the Criminal Code to make it an offence for a person in possession of child pornography, whether created by that person or obtained from another source, to allow or ensure that access by any other person or failing to take reasonable steps to prevent access by another person would be covered under the code.

It applies at all times, including a person who is accessing the materials. It is a strict liability type offence in keeping with the direction of the Criminal Code.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act June 20th, 2005

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-411 an Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the Criminal Code (minimum security level of incarceration for first third of sentence).

Mr. Speaker, Bill C-411 would amend the Criminal Code to require a court, in passing a sentence of two years or more of imprisonment, to make an order specifying the minimum security level of the incarceration for the first third sentence.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

Criminal Code June 20th, 2005

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-410, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (sex crimes and violent crimes).

Mr. Speaker, again this is a bill very much in the public good aimed at amending the Criminal Code to preclude persons who have committed offences involving violence or sexual offences, which always include violence, from receiving conditional sentences under the Act. It is in keeping with the movement toward having a schedule list of offences for which conditional sentences would not apply.

I believe this is more than appropriate in the circumstances given the long lasting life sentence of victims in these circumstances.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

Fugitives from Justice in Other Countries Act June 20th, 2005

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-409, An Act respecting fugitives from justice in other countries who are in Canada.

Mr. Speaker, this bill respects fugitives from justice who are currently residing in Canada. This enactment would require annual reports to be submitted by the Minister of Justice to Parliament on the extent, volume and progress of extradition cases and requests received by Canada each year. These reports would be referred to the appropriate standing committee in each House for consideration and report. The committee could then make a recommendation that a point of extradition law be referred to the Supreme Court of Canada for an opinion.

This is very much focused on accountability and ensuring that fugitives from justice residing inside our country's boundaries are treated in an expeditious and timely way as Minister likes to say.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

National Security June 20th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, it has had no impact.

Michael Juneau-Katsuya, a former head of CSIS Asia-Pacific desk, says that other than terrorism the greatest national security threat is economic and industrial espionage.

As far back as 1999, Senator Kelly argued that a special Senate report on security and intelligence said that CSIS did not have a mandate to investigate corporate espionage; spying done against Canadian companies. He warned that our advanced industrial and technological sectors made us attractive and vulnerable to spying.

When will concrete action be taken to protect Canadians from corporate espionage?

National Security June 20th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, in the mid-1990s, CSIS agents estimated that Canada was losing $1 billion a month due to espionage. In the United States, with an economy 10 times our size, it was losing $2 billion a month. The Americans brought in the economic espionage act in 1996. In Canada we can only use theft over $5,000 charges and have done nothing to modernize our laws to protect Canadian corporate interests.

With an estimated 1,000 Chinese spies operating in Canada, our companies are being targeted and our economies are being hurt. What has the Prime Minister done to protect Canada's interests since this shocking information was brought to his attention?

National Security June 17th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, again, no action, no answers.

A thousand Chinese spies have infiltrated Canada and are targeting sensitive industries. Industrial espionage costs our economy $1 billion per month.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs says he takes these allegations very seriously. Can he tell us, then, what specific actions he has taken with the Chinese government in order to resolve this situation?

National Security June 17th, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the foreign affairs minister said that Chinese visitors are meant to respect Canadian laws and that when he learns otherwise he refers them to the appropriate authorities of our country and yet nothing is done.

Reports show that the Chinese spies were and are taping phones and waging campaigns of threats and harassment, all actions that contravene Canadian laws. China has a huge interest in owning our natural resources and dominating our economy. Our country is losing billions through economic espionage while the government practises wimp diplomacy.

Why is the Prime Minister so weak on matters of defence of our foreign and domestic interests and so gutless on Canadian sovereignty?