Mr. Chair, I am glad to report to the hon. member and to this House that we have exceeded our recruiting numbers consistently over the past number of years. There is a tremendous interest in the general population to work for the Canadian Forces, to be in uniform, as the member herself has done in her lifetime.
Budget 2012 spells out what we will do in terms of maintaining our Canadian Forces strength at 68,000 within our regular force and 27,000 for our reserve force strength.
With respect to the sites for recruiting that we will be closing as a result of a slow-down in terms of intake and recruiting requirements, they include centres in Sault Ste. Marie, Yellowknife, Rouyn-Noranda, Thunder Bay, Saskatoon, Bathurst, North Bay, Windsor, Mississauga, Kitchener, Saint John and Three Rivers.
I stress that this will not significantly impact the overall recruiting. We have , called upon new technology, using the Internet as part of our recruiting drive. We are also using recruiting officers and recruiting vehicles that move throughout the country. This is another method that has been very successful. These mobile recruiting stations have received a tremendous response from the Canadian population.