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Track Pierre

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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is food.

Conservative MP for Carleton (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Three months ago

Didn't vote on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Didn't vote on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Didn't vote on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke in the House on Privilege Mr. Speaker, I must admit that I am shocked to be rising in the House of Commons to announce this government's deficit. Usually, the Liberals would …

Spoke in the House on Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Mr. Speaker, the NDP leader is absolutely right: This cannot continue; the Prime Minister cannot go on like this. Housing costs have doubled. Food bank use …

Spoke in the House on Finance Mr. Speaker, just to underline the chaos we are faced with here, the former finance minister resigned the day she was to present the fall budget, …

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

Spoke in the House on Public Safety Mr. Speaker, let us see what the police have to say about that. After a 116% increase in gun crime under this Prime Minister and a …

Spoke in the House on Labour Mr. Speaker, this is a weak Prime Minister who has lost control of spending, debt and inflation. Workers are now forced to fight to make up …

Spoke in the House on Government Priorities Yes, Mr. Speaker, it is time for an election. Yesterday, the Bloc Québécois voted several times against an election. It voted to keep this government in …

Spoke in the House on Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Mr. Speaker, it is the Prime Minister's weird, woke, liberalization ideology that has caused the 47,000 deaths and the 200% increase in overdoses. However, just like …

Spoke in the House on Mental Health and Addictions Mr. Speaker, the weak Prime Minister has lost control of our borders. He started by teaming up with the British Columbia NDP to decriminalize fentanyl. He …

More than three months ago

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-356 An Act respecting payments by Canada and requirements in respect of housing and to amend certain other Acts

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-278 An Act to prevent the imposition by the federal government of vaccination mandates for employment and travel

Spoke at the Finance committee on Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Budget Okay. I have a problem with my microphone. I apologize for that. Mr. Hamam, thank you very much for being here. I'm very interested in your ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Inflation in the Current Canadian Economy Yes. Mr. Baker said he was going to take issue with some of my facts, but then he didn't contradict any of them. He simply brought ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Inflation in the Current Canadian Economy Thank you. I would just point out, Mr. Chair, that when Mr. Trudeau took office, the typical home in Canada cost $435,000. Now it's $811,000. That's ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Inflation in the Current Canadian Economy Yes, Mr. Chief Statistician, the last time I saw you, you were having a CPI-adjusted breakfast over at the local diner in Manotick. It was great ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Meeting Requested by Four Members of the Committee to Discuss Canada’s Housing ... Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Welcome back and happy new year. I, along with the Conservative members of the committee, joined with Monsieur Gabriel Ste-Marie ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Committee Business A number of questions have come forward. Mr. Baker asked a question and I think Gabriel gave a good answer. Yes, the principle is that the ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Bill C-2 Ms. Hogan ironically said that stopping audits would not be a good idea when she was asked about small businesses being audited, and now she's stopping ...

Spoke at the Finance committee on Bill C-2 I think we're seeing the result of the government trying to ram this legislation through. They shut the place down for six months to call an ...

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-395 An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

Introduced legislation Government bill C-50 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act

Introduced legislation Government bill C-23 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to certain Acts