Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the finance minister.
“Who are you”?
Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.
Finance December 16th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, I have a question for the finance minister.
“Who are you”?
Finance December 16th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has lost control, yet he clings to power. He has lost control of immigration; lost control of the borders; lost control of spending, deficits, inflation and housing costs. In fact, his apparently former finance minister was trying to get spending under control by capping the deficit at an already crazy $40 billion, but he took carbon tax Carney's advice and pushed her beyond that guardrail and was trying to throw her off the cliff. She has now resigned, minutes before presenting her fall economic update. This cannot go on.
When will we have a carbon tax election?
Finance December 16th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has lost control, yet he clings to power. We knew that he had lost control of the borders, immigration, spending, inflation and housing costs, but now he has lost control of his cabinet. The former deputy prime minister and minister of finance resigned just a few hours before presenting Canada's economic update with an enormous deficit.
When will there be an election?
Public Safety December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, he admitted he does not even know what an assault rifle is, let alone be able to ban one. He spent $60 million and his government admits it did not take a single firearm off the road. There has been a 116% increase in gun violence under his leadership and 99% of the shipping containers that come in are not inspected at all, even though the previous Conservative government increased the number of frontline border officers.
Why is the Prime Minister so busy trying to protect turkeys from hunters that he does not protect Canadians from criminals?
Public Safety December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has not banned a single gun. He spent over $60 million to fail to take a single gun off the road. He has had to give an amnesty to reverse all of the announced gun bans that he did, standing in front of a cartoon image of a scary Hollywood-style gun. What has been the sum total of all of this? It has been a 116% increase in gun violence since he became Prime Minister.
When will he realize that banning Grandpa Joe's hunting rifle is not going to stop crime and that instead we actually have to lock up the criminals?
Public Safety December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, let us see what the police have to say about that. After a 116% increase in gun crime under this Prime Minister and a repeat violent offender out on early parole allegedly murdered a 34-year-old woman in Toronto on Sunday. The Toronto Police had this question for the Prime Minister: “How was this person, with their history, allowed to access a firearm and be alone with a partner when they were supposedly living in a supervised community setting? What answers are you providing ... to the victim’s family, or our communities who continue to see the heartbreaking results of your weak policies on crime?”
Labour December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, this weak Prime Minister has lost control. He has lost control of spending, debt and inflation. This has forced workers to fight for wage increases. Last year, we had the highest number of strikes since 1981, when his father broke the economy. Now the strike at Canada Post is turning out to be very costly for non-profit organizations and small businesses. It is costing our economy a lot of money.
When will the Prime Minister listen to both sides and reach an agreement to end this strike?
Labour December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, this is a weak Prime Minister who has lost control of spending, debt and inflation. Workers are now forced to fight to make up lost wages. That is why, last year, Canada had more strikes than in any year since 1981, that is, since the last Trudeau was breaking the country and its economy. Canadians are now suffering because they cannot get their donations to charities, small businesses cannot get their payments and the economy is losing millions.
Will he sit the two sides down, get a deal and put an end to this dreadful strike?
Government Priorities December 11th, 2024
Yes, Mr. Speaker, it is time for an election.
Yesterday, the Bloc Québécois voted several times against an election. It voted to keep this government in power. There is going to be a debate and the leader of the Bloc Québécois is going to have to deal with the fact that the Conservatives want to eliminate the GST on new housing and the Bloc does not. The leader of the Bloc Québécois wants to create more federal bureaucracy by supporting this government. We want to get rid of it. That is the choice Quebeckers will make.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship December 11th, 2024
Mr. Speaker, that is another weak response from a weak Prime Minister who has lost control of our immigration system.
Three Chileans who are in Canada illegally escaped from a holding centre in Laval. In addition to these three fugitives, there are nearly 750 foreigners in Quebec who are considered to be dangerous but who this government is incapable of deporting. What is more, apparently the government has literally lost track of 30,000 people who have been ordered deported.
What is the plan to deport them?