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Track Raquel

Your Say

In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word is liberals.

Conservative MP for Kildonan—St. Paul (Manitoba)

Won her last election, in 2021, with 42% of the vote.

Three months ago

Voted No on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Didn't vote on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke in the House on Committees of the House Mr. Speaker, I want to put on the record that the Conservatives of the public safety committee have included a dissenting report on the public safety …

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

More than three months ago

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada and Russian Interference and Disinformation … I'm just reviewing this. These two folks, Mr. Sandhu and Mr. Singh, were mentioned by Mr. Brown. I'm not clear why we would be.... I assume, …

Spoke in the House on Business of Supply Madam Speaker, today we are talking about the deaths of 47,000 Canadians, many of them young people. Forty-seven thousand Canadians have died in the last number …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to firearms statistics held by the government, broken down by year since January 1, 2022: (a) how many firearms were seized by (i) the …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Mr. Speaker, I will try to be very brief. I did want to put a few points on the record for your consideration of the privilege …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Electoral Interference and Criminal Activities in Canada by Agents of the Government … As you well know, we've had a pretty serious situation with allegations that individuals in Canada were murdered in connection with a foreign government, notably India, …

Spoke in the House on Public Safety Mr. Speaker, the Liberal government has no credibility when it comes to protecting women. In the nine years the Liberals have been in power, sexual assaults …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to applications for warrants made under the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act between November 20, 2019, and October 26, 2021: (a) how many warrant …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b and 5b under Canada Border Services … Thank you, Minister. I'm glad you brought up the issue of the cuts, because I was reviewing all the annual reports, back to the Martin years, …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Mr. Speaker, we are two months into the longest privilege debate in House of Commons history and Canadian history. It has been two months of Liberals …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Electoral Interference and Criminal Activities in Canada by Agents of the Government … Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I wish to move the following motion: Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), given that Canadians continue to be affected by …

Spoke in the House on Government Business No. 43—Proceedings on Bill C‑78 Madam Speaker, we are facing a very scary situation in Canada, with Canadians really struggling. As we know, one in five children is living in poverty, …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Growing Problem of Car Thefts in Canada, Russian Interference and Disinformation Campaigns … Thank you, Chair. I'm actually happy to weigh in on this, having just spent last week in Poland, Estonia and Latvia on a parliamentary delegation led …

Spoke at the Status of Women committee on Gender-based Violence and Femicides against Women, Girls and Gender Diverse People Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you again to the witnesses for their testimony. I appreciate the commentary from members of Parliament today and the responses that …

Spoke at the Finance committee on Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2025 Budget Thank you, Mr. Campbell. In your remarks a few weeks ago, criticizing the Liberal Prime Minister for taking a quite strange, I would say, victory lap …

Spoke at the Public Safety committee on Russian Interference and Disinformation Campaigns in Canada Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, Ms. Chen, for being with us today. We all note that you did not necessarily come willingly. You were summoned. …