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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is food.

Conservative MP for Kootenay—Columbia (B.C.)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 43% of the vote.

Three months ago

Voted No on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Voted No on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

More than three months ago

Spoke in the House on Privilege Madam Speaker, today I rise in the chamber to discuss issues that speak to the heart of Canadian democracy: the responsible use of public funds, the …

Spoke in the House on Carbon Pricing Mr. Speaker, the NDP-Liberal coalition is back. I am sure members remember when the leader of the NDP said, “the Liberals are too weak, too selfish …

Spoke in the House on Ronald McDonald House Mr. Speaker, today is National Child Day and also Day on the Hill for Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada. Ronald McDonald House helps families struggling with …

Spoke in the House on Public Safety Mr. Speaker, after nine years with the NDP-Liberal government, taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up. Police departments are slamming …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Mr. Speaker, in debate in the House of Commons today, I would like to take a few moments to highlight why the Conservative Party of Canada …

Spoke in the House on Questions Passed as Orders for Returns With regard to travel expenses incurred by the government for travel by a minister’s exempt staff member, that was not disclosed through proactive disclosure, since January …

Spoke in the House on N2 Neighbourhood Network Madam Speaker, today I would like to highlight a group local to Nelson, B.C., the N2 Neighbourhood Network. Heading up this group is Tanya, a local …

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, after nine years, the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the hunger and homelessness. The Salvation Army report showed that 75% of Canadians face …

Spoke at the Transport committee on Adapting Infrastructure to Face Climate Change Thank you, Chair. My first question is going to be for Mr. Ness. I was really happy to hear you talking about proactive investment. We can ...

Spoke at the Indigenous and Northern Affairs committee on Subject Matter of Bill C-45, An Act to amend the First Nations ... Thank you, Chair. I'm really interested. I would like maybe a few people to answer if they want to. We were talking about moving at the ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill S-206 Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you to the witnesses. I have some hard questions for Mr. Cooper, but I'm actually going to start off with ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill C-5 I wasn't sure if we were quite ready to move on. I want to speak just briefly to this clause, to all three clauses. I just ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill C-5 Thank you, Mr. Chair. When we talk about the witnesses we had, I think there were two groups of witnesses. We had people supporting offenders, which ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill C-5 Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you to the witnesses on a Friday afternoon. I appreciate their input, especially on such an important bill, Bill C-5. Ms. ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill C-5 Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm going to try to get to everyone, but in my limited time, I'm going to start with Ms. Dover when I ...

Spoke at the Justice committee on Bill C-5 There's maybe one other thing too. I know from your policing experience and your representing of a large group of diverse police officers that lots of ...