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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was plan.

Last in Parliament July 2017, as Conservative MP for Sturgeon River—Parkland (Alberta)

Won her last election, in 2015, with 70% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Taxation February 16th, 2017

Well, Mr. Speaker, all we have to do is look at Kathleen Wynne's Ontario to see what will happen if the Prime Minister does not change course soon and abandon the carbon tax. After more than a decade of Liberal rule, only a quarter of Ontario companies are confident about their province's economy. Half of them say that energy and electricity costs are crippling their businesses.

Will the Prime Minister continue to spread Kathleen Wynne's failed model to the rest of Canada or start to listen to people who know how to create jobs, and abandon the carbon tax?

Taxation February 16th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, the U.S. is dramatically cutting taxes and red tape, with the explicit goal of taking jobs away from countries like ours. Yesterday, the head of the Business Council of Canada, John Manley, sounded the alarm. In a letter to the Prime Minister, he said that tax hikes are a threat to Canada's economy and that the Prime Minister needs to change course so that we can compete. This is about people's livelihoods.

Will the Prime Minister listen to this good advice, or will he keep on with his tax and spend agenda?

International Trade February 16th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, millions of Canadians depend on NAFTA to put food on the table and pay their bills. They get worried when they read reports about tweaks or renegotiations. Yesterday, Canada's ambassador to the U.S. said the Prime Minister has about half a dozen things with the NAFTA that he wants to change.

Can the Prime Minister please share with Canadians exactly what those half a dozen things are?

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship February 15th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, I would invite the minister to come to Vegreville so he can get a sense of what we are talking about. This is not just an impact on these employees. This is an impact on the entire town of Vegreville. It will crash home values. There will be an exodus of students and young people. It will be a devastating blow to the people and the future of this small rural community.

Will he come and visit, face the people of Vegreville, face the mayor, and explain to him why he is attacking rural Canadians?

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship February 15th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, “older, smaller, and poorer” are not my words. They are the words of the mayor of Vegreville about the fate that awaits the town if the Liberals close the immigration centre.

He warns of a crash in home values and an exodus of students and young people. It will be a devastating blow to the people and the future of this small community. The mayor said, “This is exactly the opposite of what the government promised to do for rural Canada in the last election”.

Why is the Prime Minister attacking rural Canada?

Taxation February 15th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is spending a lot more money than he said he would. He promised to borrow only $10 billion a year and to balance the budget by 2019. Now, at the rate he is spending, he will not balance the books for 30 years, and he is raising taxes on Canadians to pay for all of this.

Does the Prime Minister understand that all this borrowing has to be paid back by hard-working Canadians?

Taxation February 15th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, there is only one thing that is clear about taxes in our country, and that is that they are going up.

We know the President says that he wants to tweak NAFTA. We do not know quite what that means yet, but we do know he has plans to lower taxes and cut regulations.

My question is simple. Could the Prime Minister name one single economic policy that he has changed since the election of President Trump to protect our economy from Trump's low-tax agenda?

Taxation February 15th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, Canada has a lot at stake with our relationship with the United States, and Canadians are worried. While the U.S. is lowering taxes, the Prime Minister is raising them in Canada. That is what happens when there is a spending problem. There is nothing left when an emergency happens.

Will the Prime Minister stop raising taxes on our businesses so they can complete with the Americans?

Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Implementation Act February 14th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, I am rising on a point of order. Normally we do not recognize the absence of a member, but I know that the Prime Minister and all members of the House would join me in recognizing the incredible hard work of the member for Abbotsford on the Canada-EU free trade agreement.

Taxation February 14th, 2017

Mr. Speaker, on top of all of that, the Prime Minister's largest middle-class tax hike is being kept a secret. His government has a study in its possession showing that the carbon tax will hit middle- and low-income Canadians the hardest, but despite demands from the opposition, it has refused to release the numbers.

If the Prime Minister is so proud of this carbon tax, why does he not release the numbers? What happened to transparency?