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In Parliament


Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is chair.

Conservative MP for Cumberland—Colchester (Nova Scotia)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 46% of the vote.

Three months ago

Spoke at the Health committee on Subject Matter of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b and 5b under … Clearly, on behalf of Canadians, you would like to see them drinking more alcohol. That being said, Minister, what about the other parts of the temporary …

Voted No on Vote #926 Motion to proceed to Orders of the Day

Voted Yes on Vote #927 Motion to proceed to First Reading of Senate Public Bills

Voted No on Vote #928 Motion to adjourn the House

Spoke at the Health committee on Women's Health and Subject Matter of Supplementary Estimates (B), 2024-25: Votes 1b … Thanks very much, Ms. Jeffrey. Could you undertake to provide the committee with a list of the items that are in the stockpile and the amounts? …

Spoke in the House on Finance Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has lost control of his spending and his cabinet. He is also bullying the finance minister into crashing through the $40-billion …

Voted No on Vote #924 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs (Previous question)

Voted Yes on Vote #925 Ninth report of the Standing Committee on Veterans

More than three months ago

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, I suggest that the member opposite go to the grocery store again because grocery essentials are already GST exempt and the temporary tax trickery …

Spoke in the House on Committees of the House Mr. Speaker, I move that the 20th report of the Standing Committee on Health, presented on Wednesday, June 19, be concurred in. It is an honour …

Spoke at the Health committee on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada This is your area of specialization, Dr. Knight. This is what you do. If I hear you correctly, realistically, the use of, as you call it, …

Spoke at the Health committee on Women's Health, Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines, and Bill C-368 Once again, here we are. We've been down this road with respect to natural health products many times. Sir, this is not directed to be specifically …

Spoke in the House on Government Business No. 43—Proceedings on Bill C‑78 Madam Speaker, obviously, the NDP-Liberal coalition, which is alive and well, is keen to talk about its tax trickery, but we know it is not a …

Spoke in the House on Drug Policy Mr. Speaker, it is National Addictions Awareness Week, when Canadians commemorate the countless precious lives lost from the plague of drug use. Some 47,000 Canadians have …

Spoke at the Health committee on Opioid Epidemic and Toxic Drug Crisis in Canada Thanks very much for that. One of the interesting things, of course, is, as we talk a bit about the fact that in Switzerland, fentanyl is …

Spoke in the House on The Economy Mr. Speaker, under that Liberal minister, seven million Canadians do not have access to primary care and malnutrition mayhem reigns supreme. Two million Canadians are visiting …

Spoke at the Health committee on Bill C-368 Thank you very much, Chair. Once again, I find it fascinating that for the benefit of Canadians out there watching, it is important to understand why …

Spoke in the House on Carbon Pricing Mr. Speaker, despite the messy split in September, it looks like Canada's woke NDP-Liberal power couple has gotten back together, and they are coming for Canadians' …

Spoke at the Health committee on Bill C-368 That's correct, Chair. I'll give you some background, since you asked, of why I would move a motion to do that. As I said, this is …

Spoke at the Health committee on Bill C-368 Thanks very much, Chair. I find it fascinating that we have an incompetent Minister of Health, who allowed a new nicotine-containing product to be licensed for …

Spoke in the House on Privilege Mr. Speaker, it is always a pleasure to rise in this House and have my say about certain topics. Certainly, the SDTC scandal is one that …

Introduced legislation Private member's bill C-323 An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act (mental health services)