House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament August 2016, as Conservative MP for Calgary Heritage (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 64% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Broadcasting Industry March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, it is not up to me to explain the decisions of the CRTC, which is an independent body. In fact, the CRTC examines the funding of private networks in Canada; that is what it studies. The CBC is another matter altogether, as it already receives $1 billion every year from taxpayers and the Government of Canada.

Broadcasting Industry March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, I am not sure what position exactly the leader of the NDP is expressing. Obviously we asked the CRTC to look at that question. The government itself has indicated in the past that we would obviously have concerns with taxes or fees imposed upon consumers. The CRTC has delivered some recommendations and is taking this matter to the courts for further opinion. We will watch for the outcome of those deliberations.

Tax Harmonization March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, on the contrary. The leader of the Bloc is talking about two types of agreements with five provinces. We have agreements that have created a harmonized tax that is administered by the federal government. To that end, we have given money to the provinces to fulfill our obligations. As far as Quebec is concerned, it administers the two taxes separately and we pay Quebec every year for that.

Tax Harmonization March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, on the contrary, we are seeking to conclude such an agreement with the Government of Quebec. We have signed agreements with five other provinces. These agreements are working well. There are obligations and arrangements with other provinces. We are seeking to reach a similar agreement with Quebec. I hope we will get there by negotiating in good faith.

International Cooperation March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, the government has been clear: our goal is to save the lives of mothers and children around the world. We will look at every possible option, including contraception, as I have already indicated.

Even his own members are saying that the Leader of the Opposition is behaving opportunistically. The goal is not to play petty party politics, but rather to save the lives of mothers and children.

International Cooperation March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, we will be keeping our word as we go forward with this initiative.

The real issue here is the Liberal Party and the leader of the Liberal Party are trying to be too clever by half. Now he has divisions even in his own ranks on that issue.

The fact is Canadian people want to do what they can, cost-effectively, to save the lives of mothers and children. They are not interested in reopening abortion. They are not interested in playing petty politics in the United States.

International Cooperation March 23rd, 2010

Mr. Speaker, the government's initiative on maternal and child health is very clear. Our objective is to work with our partners around the world to do many things that can be done, at reasonable cost, to save the lives of women and children. We are looking at a range of options in that regard. Obviously we will take the best scientific advice.

In terms of his motion, even his own member for Mississauga South says that the Leader of the Opposition is just being opportunistic. I would encourage the Liberal Party to worry about saving the lives of mothers and children and not about playing petty politics.

International Cooperation March 18th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, I think I have pretty clearly answered the question. I do not think I could be clearer.

On the other hand, the leader of the NDP talks about respecting the will of the House. My question is this. Does he respect the votes that his own party casts in the House of Commons? His own party voted a couple of days ago to abolish the ten percenter program for mailings outside of our own ridings. The other three parties apparently support that. Does the leader of the NDP still support that or not?

International Cooperation March 18th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, the government's position is clear. I believe the minister answered this question. The government is looking to work with G8 countries to save lives, to save mothers and children throughout the world. We are not closing the door on any option, including contraception. However, we do not wish to debate abortion in this place or elsewhere.

Once again, I ask the leader of the NDP to join with the other parties and endorse the end of the ten percenter program outside our ridings.

Prorogation of the House March 18th, 2010

Mr. Speaker, I gather it has been the will of the House to replace the government with an unelected coalition. If that is indeed the will of the House, the members know they have to get a mandate from the people of Canada and they cannot tinker with the House rules to work around that reality.

When we speak about the will of the House, I understand pretty clearly from this question period that the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Bloc Québécois want to end the ten percenter program outside of our own ridings. Is this also a position of the House that the NDP is prepared to endorse?