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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament August 2016, as Conservative MP for Calgary Heritage (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 64% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Afghanistan November 25th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, this government has released thousands of pages of documents in this matter. Other public servants wish to testify before the parliamentary committee. If the Leader of the Bloc and the opposition parties truly wish to hear the facts, they can listen to these witnesses.

Afghanistan November 25th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, once again, when there was credible proof of abuse in Afghan prisons of Canadian-detained prisoners, the government, soldiers, Canadian Forces and the Department of Foreign Affairs took action.

In the end, we entered into a new agreement on transfers over two and a half years ago.

Afghanistan November 25th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, again, on the contrary, Canadian officials and soldiers have always acted when they have had credible evidence of abuse. That is absolutely clear.

The arrangements that were in place in a mission started by the Liberal government in 2002 began to be improved as soon as this government took office. They were comprehensively rewritten in early 2007.

That is the record. It is absolutely clear. Any such slander of soldiers and Canadian officials without evidence is without basis.

Afghanistan November 25th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, on the contrary, the reports that the hon. gentleman is talking about, by their own admission, are not credible evidence of torture of Canadian detained prisoners. They are simply evaluations of the Afghan prison system based on second-hand and third-hand evidence.

Whenever Canadian officials or soldiers have received credible reports of abuse, they have reacted and responded. There were systematic improvements to the detainee transfer arrangements over that period of time, culminating in a comprehensive new agreement that was signed over two and a half years ago.

Afghanistan November 25th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, first, those reports do not prove that there was abuse. On the contrary, they are evaluations of the prison system in Afghanistan based on indirect observations and evidence. When our diplomats and our soldiers have received credible evidence of cases of abuse, our diplomats and our soldiers have taken action in those cases.

Afghanistan November 24th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the diplomat in question, as everyone knows, has a right to his opinion and has given his opinion. We also know that a large number of his colleagues do not agree with those opinions. They have asked for their right to speak, so I encourage the opposition not to muzzle them.

Afghanistan November 24th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, this government took steps to improve the transfer of information to the Red Cross in 2006.

In 2006 we made that change. In 2007 officials of the Department of Foreign Affairs negotiated an entire new transfer arrangement with the government of Afghanistan, two and a half years ago.

In every instance, Canadian diplomats and Canadian soldiers, whenever they are aware of abuse, take the action they are required to take under international law because that is how our country acts. We are proud of those people.

Afghanistan November 24th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, appropriate action has been taken on all these matters, and in some cases taken years ago.

Once again, if the NDP and the other opposition parties are at all serious about getting to the truth, they will actually hear from those who want to testify before the parliamentary committee. There are a number; let them be heard. What is the opposition afraid of, other than the truth?

Poverty November 24th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, no one is for child poverty. Under this government, we are spending three times more than our predecessors on early childhood learning, child care and education.

When I look at the number of initiatives we have taken, what is interesting is in almost every case the NDP has voted against these things. I hope the NDP will go back to the days of Ed Broadbent and actually stand with us on some of these matters.

Afghanistan November 24th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, if I understood the question correctly, my answer is that I never had any discussion with the governor of Kandahar about this issue.

Once again, if the Bloc and the opposition parties are serious about this issue and if it is more than a political game to them, they should hear testimony from the people who have information and want to tell their stories.