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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament August 2016, as Conservative MP for Calgary Heritage (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 64% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Foreign Affairs February 5th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, while we appreciate that, I thought I asked a clear question and I would like to get a clear answer.

Dr. Blix was clear. He already said that Iraq was in non-compliance of the UN resolution. The allied coalition, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, have been clear in saying that Iraq is in material breach.

Rather than sit on the fence for the world to see, would the government answer this simple question: Is it or is it not in agreement with our allies that Iraq is in material breach of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1441?

Foreign Affairs February 5th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, we all know that Secretary of State Powell for the United States made a presentation this morning to the United Nations. The presentation was described and the evidence presented. It has been described by the Minister of Foreign Affairs as disturbing and persuasive.

In the presentation, Secretary of State Powell joined with the coalition of voices, including Australia, the United Kingdom and others, saying that Saddam Hussein was in material breach of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1441. Does the Government of Canada share that opinion?

Health February 4th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I am still not getting a clear answer so I will try it again.

The federal government wants the bulk of the new health care money to go to new promises. The provinces want to allocate these funds to essential services.

Will the government work with the provinces to ensure that the existing essential services are restored and viable before offering new promises?

Health February 4th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, the House will note that the minister avoided the question.

Everyone wants core services restored. For example, the Canadian Medical Association said:

...75% of new funding--be allocated to basic hospital services, physicians services, nursing and other services.

Canadians do not want new money spent on new promises and new bureaucracy.

Let me be clear to the minister once again. Will the government allow the provinces to spend the new money on restoring the core of health care services?

Health February 4th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, as the first ministers prepare to meet this evening, Canadians are clear in what they want from the health care system. They want results. They do not want grand schemes. They want to see the current system fixed. They want more doctors, more hospital beds and shorter waiting lists. In the paper today the government talks about a whole bunch of new money.

I want to ask the government, will it allow the bulk of this money for the provinces to be spent on restoring the core of the health care system?

Health February 3rd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, Health Canada already has been hiring recently at record rates. Surely we do not need yet another bureaucracy to get some accountability.

Canadians want transparency in the health care system, but they do not want the federal government to impose its will on the provinces.

Will the Prime Minister promise to respect the priorities of each province and reach bilateral funding and accountability agreements with each one?

Health February 3rd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, one of the federal proposals, when it comes to accountability and transparency, is apparently to create a new council to monitor health care.

To put this in perspective, we have the federal Department of Health, the provincial health departments and, in most provinces, we have regional health authorities, hospital boards and independent health research institutes.

Why does the government propose to spend money on yet another new expensive bureaucracy?

Health February 3rd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, tomorrow the first ministers conference on health care begins. Canadians have been clear they want the federal government to work with the provinces, not to bicker with the provinces. Instead, the Prime Minister fired off a take it or leave it letter to the premiers in which he said most federal money would only be available for new health care initiatives.

I ask the Prime Minister this. When Canadians and the provinces are saying that the existing system needs more money, why is the government focused on spending money on new health care programs?

British Columbia Avalanche February 3rd, 2003

Mr. Speaker, this was a weekend of double tragedy. As we mourned the loss of seven astronauts, we learned of another avalanche in British Columbia which took the lives of seven students from Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School near Calgary.

What makes this tragedy all the more saddening is the young age of the avalanche victims. From all reports, they were great kids who had accomplished much in a very short time, excelling in sports, music, and drama while maintaining high academic standing and a zest for life.

As parents, Laureen and I were saddened to learn that the lives of these bright young people with such unlimited potential were cut so short. On behalf of the Canadian Alliance, we offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to their families and friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.

Also, may we express our sincere thanks to the rescue workers who prevented additional loss of life and also to the teachers and support workers who continue to help those affected come to terms with this terrible tragedy.

Iraq January 30th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, this party is never going to sit proudly on the fence like that party seems to.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair is scheduled to travel to the United States shortly to meet with President Bush. World leaders are meeting face to face to determine the most appropriate next steps for dealing with Saddam Hussein.

Is Prime Minister Blair stopping in to see the Prime Minister in Canada? Is our Prime Minister travelling to meet President Bush? Is Canada on the inside of any of these discussions?