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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was colleague.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Liberal MP for Kingston and the Islands (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 39% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Protecting Air Service Act March 13th, 2012

A moral hazard.

Protecting Air Service Act March 13th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I wish to ask my colleague if the government's repeated intervention, which eliminates the risk to one party to the negotiations, creates a moral hazard in the bargaining process.

Emergency Debate March 12th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I would like to follow up on the question from the hon. member on the government side. It surprises me that in the drug market, where Canada imports most of its drugs from overseas, foreign regulations such as those of the United States Food and Drug Administration can affect production in Canada and in Quebec, which affects the supply of drugs in Ontario.

When the effects are all mixed up between Canada and foreign countries, and what happens in one province can affect another province, I find it amazing that we would leave the provinces to fend for themselves in a situation where it is clearly an international problem. With production in Asia and Europe, and raw materials coming from different places, and regulations in different countries affecting other countries, why should we leave this to the provinces to fend for themselves? Should the federal government not be making contacts with other countries, bringing this up in global health organizations, working with other countries, and using Canada's great reputation to lead the world in finding long-term solutions to this global problem?

Petitions March 12th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present a petition from the electors in Kingston and the Islands who call upon the Government of Canada to assume direct responsibility through Environment Canada for monitoring, in a long-term way, climate change in the Canadian Arctic and to make those data freely available to interested researchers.

This is especially urgent now because we know there will be imminent termination of funding for year-round operations at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory and getting long-term data from measurements like that will be very important for understanding what will happen to the Arctic when climate change occurs. We know that the Arctic will be most affected and, if we want to have sovereignty over the Arctic, we should be understanding of what is happening up there.

I believe the government would support this because the Minister of the Environment once stood up in question period and said, “Our government believes that what gets measured gets done.” I hope the government will commit to measuring the effects of climate change in the Arctic.

Points of Order March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, in response to the Minister of Health, all the camera people left the room after the witnesses and before the business part of the meeting. I believe it is a violation of the rules to talk about what happened in camera.

Points of Order March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, during question period, the Minister of Health said that the opposition filibustered a motion made at the health committee this morning.

I was in that committee meeting and I believe that the committee business was discussed in camera. I believe the Minister of Health has violated a rule about talking about in camera proceedings. I would also like to ask the minister how she knew.

41st General Election March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, although we cannot read the textbook from voter suppression school, the emerging pattern gives away the curriculum.

Mr. Dodds, a Conservative supporter in Kingston, was called several times by a Conservative caller until he said that because of the prison farm closure, he would not vote Conservative. On election day he received a call, which sounded like the same person, directing him to the wrong poll.

Can the Conservatives explain why we keep seeing this pattern?

Business of Supply March 8th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, we have about three and a half years more to serve here in Ottawa, if the Prime Minister respects the fixed date election law. Voters need to know that the people they elected are really here in Ottawa. They need to have confidence that they are being represented by the people for whom they voted.

In view of that, is it not important for Elections Canada to have the powers it wants and needs to investigate all the irregularities and possible fraud that occurred in the election that brought the occupants of this chamber here to Ottawa?

Government communications March 7th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, today, The Globe and Mail calls for an end to muzzling scientists.

BBC News has let the world know that Canadian government scientists do not have free speech.

The prestigious international journal Nature states that “it is time for the Canadian government to set its scientists free”.

What is more harmful to Canada, hurting our international reputation like this or letting a reporter pick up the phone and talk to a scientist about salmon or the last ice age?

Mathieu LeClair March 7th, 2012

Mr. Speaker, tragedy has again touched students in Kingston and the Islands.

Last week, we were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mathieu LeClair, a cadet at the Royal Military College of Canada.

Parents are so proud of everything their children accomplish and so is Canada proud of those training to become future leaders of our country.

This training period is not an easy time in life.

I offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mathieu LeClair.

To them and the RMC community during this time of mourning, they should know that they have the support of the wider community in Kingston and the Islands, and across the country.