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Results 1486-1500 of 2010
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Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, what the minister's office should have done was tell any news outlet that wanted help faking a story to go jump in a fake lake. Instead it played along, once again putting Conservative photo ops ahead of getting things done for new Canadians. It took an investigative reporter to get the truth out.

February 2nd, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, just last month the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism told Canadians how solemn he thought our citizenship ceremonies were, and they are indeed serious occasions. Now, however, we learn that his office is fine just faking it. It was his office that arranged to have employees pose as fake new citizens in a made-up ceremony for a misleading news conference.

February 2nd, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, when electors vote for a particular party, a particular candidate, they need to have confidence that the person will faithfully represent and reflect those policies and principles in the House of Commons. I would argue that members in the House who pretend that the voters of their riding are voting for them personally and not also heavily influenced by the party, policies, principles and philosophies represented by their party are seriously mistaken.

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  He did that 14 days after the voters sent him to this House as a Liberal. Other examples include Garth Turner, Wajid Khan and Blair Wilson. I want to talk about Vancouver Kingsway because I know the story very personally. In 2006, when the Conservative Party first got a minority government, my own member of Parliament, David Emerson, who had been a Liberal cabinet minister, crossed the floor two weeks after the election to become a Conservative cabinet minister.

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, I take great pride in rising to speak in favour of Bill C-306, introduced by my colleague from Pontiac. In the last parliament, I had the privilege of introducing a similar bill due in part to the experience that I had in my own riding, Vancouver Kingsway, which I will speak about in just a few moments.

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  It suggests that people do not vote for the parties in this country—

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, can I have some quiet, please, from the hon. member behind me? I listened carefully when he was talking. The member should respect democracy. I have the floor.

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Parliament of Canada Act  Madam Speaker, it is hard to concentrate when I have a yapper two desks behind me who wanted everyone to be silent in this House.

February 1st, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to Temporary Resident Visas (TRVs): (a) how many individuals per year, over the last ten years, who were issued a TRV have gone on to make a refugee claim; (b) over the last ten years, (i) what have been the ten most common countries of origin of the refugee claimants in (a), (ii) how many refugee claimants have come from each of the ten countries per year; (c) of the refugee claimants mentioned in (a), what is the breakdown in terms of (i) gender, (ii) age; (d) what is the total number of TRVs issued per year over the last ten years; and (e) does the Department of Citizenship and Immigration know how many TRV holders have stayed in Canada beyond the expiry date of their visas in the last ten years and, if so, how many have done so?

January 30th, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Questions Passed as Orders for Returns  With respect to five-year multiple-entry visas: (a) how many visas of this type have been issued in total per year over the last ten years; (b) what is the breakdown in terms of (i) gender, (ii) age; (c) how many have been issued per year to individuals who have a pending application for permanent residence, and what is the breakdown in terms of permanent residency class applied for; and (d) over the last ten years, (i) what have been the ten most common countries of origin for individuals who have received multiple-entry visas, (ii) how many applicants have come from each of the ten countries per year?

January 30th, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Questions on the Order Paper  With respect to immigration cases conducted through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): (a) other than security and medical approval, does the federal government exercise control over any of the criteria applied in the selection of individuals for approval under the program, and, if it does, what are these criteria, what government department enforces these criteria, and where are officials responsible for enforcement located; (b) in the case of a disagreement between a province and a consulate, where does the ultimate authority lie with regard to approval; and (c) once approved by a province, can an application be denied by any federal government body, and, if yes, on what grounds?

January 30th, 2012House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Canada-U.S. Relations  Mr. Speaker, yesterday's border deal raises many questions, and many Canadians are concerned. How long will U.S. Homeland Security keep fingerprints of visitors to Canada? Will our Privacy Act be violated? What biometrics processes will be used, and why are such important rights being discussed in secret?

December 8th, 2011House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, the immigration minister's story keeps changing on his patronage appointments to the IRB. First, he claimed that only two appointees to the IRB had Conservative connections, but when faced with the facts about the many patronage appointments Conservatives actually made, the minister claimed he was not aware.

December 1st, 2011House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, Conservatives refuse to clean up their act. They have refused to appoint a public appointments commission. They are as addicted to patronage as the Liberals were. Even the screening committee is stuffed with partisan appointments, including—

December 1st, 2011House debate

Don DaviesNDP

Citizenship and Immigration  Mr. Speaker, even the screening committee is stuffed with partisan appointments, including a former aide to a Conservative minister. Peter Showler, the former chair of the IRB, is describing the Conservative appointments process as secretive and political. He is saying there is no political accountability.

December 1st, 2011House debate

Don DaviesNDP